Consultancy Opportunity for conducting review of Mkombozi’s livelihoods services and market analysis

Mkombozi, is a leading children right's organization serving the Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions of Tanzania. Mkombozi supports Tanzania's most vulnerable children and youth by providing direct services such as housing, health services and education, as well as research and advocacy on children's rights and protection. We also engage with families and communities to end the abuse and neglect of children, to ensure that children's rights are recognised, and to identify opportunities for intervention before a child migrates to the street. We strive to be the first line of defense for the vulnerable children in the Moshi and Arusha communities.
Mkombozi intends to conduct a review of our livelihoods work in relation to a market analysis to help us understand the status, context and challenges of our livelihoods work and specifically how it relates to employment and small business markets in Tanzania.
Purpose of the Research
This livelihoods review will both evaluate our current work and inform the future direction of our livelihoods work to best enable children, youth and families to become financially independent and stable. It will give us a broad overview of the current status of our work and highlight emerging markets or areas of opportunity that we can tap moving forward.
Objectives of the assignment and scope of work
Due to Mkombozi's geographic target areas, the research will focus more on Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions and will focus particularly on youth employment, vocational training opportunities, and small businesses:
  • Review Mkombozi's current use of vocational training, apprenticeship and small business opportunities for children, youth and families
  • To analyze the local and national skills markets to identify where there are oversupply and where there gaps, and to identify potential new future employment opportunities
  • To analyze the local and national small business markets to identify where there are oversupply and where there gaps, and to identify potential new small business opportunities
  • To determine which vocational skills and small businesses are most marketable and profitable to children, youth and families living in our target areas
  • To determine which of the marketable/profitable vocation skills are preferred by children, youth and families
  • Recommendations for way forward for Mkombozi to improve it~'~s livelihoods programmes
Participatory methodologies should be employed for all areas where they are relevant to ensure ownership and participation of those we work with and would like to work with. This will also involve meeting with Mkombozi staff and other stakeholders deemed necessary by the consultant. The Market Analysis will use a survey strategy to ensure that data is collected in the most effective and efficient way. Survey strategy will use questionnaires, interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). A deliberate effort will be made to interview children, youth and parents who are already engaged in vocational skills and small business as key informants and will also interview aspiring children and families. To ensure that the market analysis captures employment statistics and trends, key employers in the area will be consulted.
The methodologies must address the following:
  • Determine which vocational skills (trades) are best suited for currently and formerly street-involved children and youth – both girls and boys
  • Capture case stories of vocational skills or small businesses run by children, youth or families which are meeting their economic demands
  • Establish availability of alternative and efficient ways of implementing the vocational training, apprenticeships and small businesses, highlighting where there may be different considerations for girls and boys.
  • Establish evidence of what trades and businesses have worked well and how they worked, and what differences there are for girls and boys.
  • How are the beneficiaries identified for vocational training, apprenticeships and small business loans currently and how could this be improved? What is the gender breakdown of beneficiaries?
  • How can vocational skills be tailored to meet the needs of currently or formerly street-involved girls and boys? Should they be residential or community based?
  • Development of ethical framework for research and ensure it is in
line with Mkombozi's Child Protection Policy
Expected Output/Deliverables
  • Research report addressing all objectives and including clear recommendations on how Mkombozi can improve its livelihoods work, taking into consideration Mkombozi's current gender research and analysis and how livelihoods work with girls could be further developed.
  • Final workshop with Senior Management Team to discuss recommendations and make action plan for how to take them forward.
Time Frame
This assignment will last for 14 days between January 2014 and March 2014. The days will be spread out to allow time for logistics, thoughtful design and data collection. The work should be ready by 31st March, 2014.
Qualifications and experience
  • Advanced University Degree in Business, Economics, Development Studies, or other relevant field with a minimum of 3 years working experience
  • Proven experience as specialist in area of business and employment, ideally with a youth focus
  • Fluency in Kiswahili and based in Tanzania
Management of the assignment and Suggested Timeframe (14 days)
Task & No. of days
  • Inception meeting with Mkombozi team - 1 day
  • Desk review and Markey analysis - 3 days
  • Data collection at Mkombozi with staff, children, youth, adults and local government authorities - 5 days
  • Writing and compiling of the report - 3 days
  • Review, finalise and submit final report - 1 day
  • Final workshop with Mkombozi Senior Management Team - 1 day
  • The report should be in English and shall be submitted in electronic form compatible with Ms Word.
  • It is anticipated that this work will be fully complete by the 31st of March 2014.

How to apply

If you are interested in applying for this position please submit a technical proposal (maximum of 3 pages) and a budget (including any travel costs for the consultant). Please also submit an example of a previous piece of work – this will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Applications should be submitted by 5pm (GMT +3) on the 31st of December 2013
Consultancy Opportunity for conducting review of Mkombozi’s livelihoods services and market analysis Consultancy Opportunity for conducting review of Mkombozi’s livelihoods services and market analysis Reviewed by Unknown on 2:32:00 AM Rating: 5
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