Senior Bank Training Consultants

Technical Assistance Programme to various EIB Financial Sector Operations in East and Central Africa

Project Description:
The Contractor will implement the TA Programme’s Four Components supporting the EIB’s Facilities in the target countries via mentoring, training and consultancy services to FIs and Final Borrowers.
Long Term Experts (LTE) will act as in-situ TA project managers, coordinators and implementers as may be required, and in function of their technical capabilities. LTEs will provide regular project management and TA impact reporting to the EIB (via the Contractor’s back-stoppers) on the progress achieved in meeting mission targets specified in the TOR.
LTEs will:
o   Deliver targeted TA to FIs .
o   Identify FI’s TA needs (training and consulting actions), draft Terms of Reference (TORs) to mobilise STEs to deliver the requisite TA, and supervise the quality of deliverables.
o   Liaise with FIs and relevant industry associations to organise a series of outreach events and mobilise specialised M/SME and Microfinance STEs to raise awareness of the EIB Facilities, their eligibility criteria, and provide training to assist them in formulating loan requests.
The Team Leader (TL) will be responsible for coordinating and validating TA initiatives with the FIs and Final Borrowers, mobilising TA initiatives with LTE and Short Term Experts (STE), coordinating them, and collating mission briefs and deliverables reports for inclusion into Project Reports (Section 7.1) to be delivered to the EIB. The TL may be called upon to deliver inputs into Components 1-4 as may be needed and in function of technical competencies.
The Deputy Team Leader (DTL) will supplant the TL in coordinating and validating TA initiatives with FIs and Final Borrowers, mobilising TA initiatives with LTEs and STEs, coordinating LTEs and STEs, and collating mission briefs and deliverables reports for inclusion into Project Reports (Section 7. 1) to be delivered to the EIB. The DTL may also be called upon to deliver inputs into Components 1-4 as may be needed and in function of technical competencies. The DTL will second the TL during the TLs absences.
The Key Experts (KE) will deliver individual targeted actions (training / consultancy / outreach actions coordination) within the TOR and Inception Report framework, and be monitored by the TL / DTL.
The short-term experts will second and support the key experts in their targeted actions within the TOR and Inception Report framework, and assist them in document compilation, delivery, and target Country logistical support.

Qualifications and Experience:
KE3 and KE4 are full time positions and based in Kenya and Uganda.
KE3 and KE4 works as a consultant-trainer, and diagnoses needs in the Financial Intermediaries and drafts TORs to mobilise short-term experts and quality control their deliverables. KE3 and KE4 will primarily be involved with microfinance institutions, and microfinance/small business departments of commercial banks, but also with other FIs, according to the needs and internal organisation of work among consultants.
KE3 and KE4 may also be called upon to provide training and mentoring support for the EIB’s global loan Allocation Processing under Component 1.
KE3 and KE4, together with Key Expert 1, designs, coordinates, and implements Component 1 TA and Component 2 Consultant Actions for MFIs/ microfinance departments of commercial banks, and monitor Component 3 M/SME Support Actions and Outreach Events.
KE3 and KE4 will be in charge of preparing training sessions and/or mobilising STEs to that effect within the geographic zones / Financial Intermediaries under his remit. Responsibilities include drafting Training TOR, quality management control, training evaluation, guidance to trainees, reporting the obtained attendance, performance, satisfaction, and other indices relating to the functioning of the in situ training programme or consulting actions delivered.
The reporting is to enable project progress monitoring of results and impacts achieved.
The following qualifications, skills, and experience are required:
Qualification and Skills:
University degree, preferably in Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Banking, or related field or equivalent professional experience. KE3 and KE4 should have management or operational credit management experience from a microfinance institution/ small business bank of minimum 5 years.
General Professional Experience:
Good management skills, preferably in the financial and credit analysis function in a credit department / corporate lending department of a microfinance institution with a minimum of 5 years in management.
Good writing skills.
Ability to use the advanced functions of word to create reports and excel to create customised spreadsheets for financial analysis purposes and database management reporting purposes.
Specific Professional Experience:
Minimum of 5 years professional experience within a microfinance provider/ small business bank, with specific focus on financial analysis and micro and small business lending, non-performing loan management, identification of key lending risks, and participation in the drafting of loan contracts to mitigate and control identified risks.
Good analytical skills in economic and M/ MSE project finance planning and implementation (market and financial analysis risk analysis techniques, and ability to implement computer based models to analyse balance sheets, calculate key financial ratios, and make proactive recommendations in drafting loan documentation and security arrangements).
Practical experience and proven track record in organising and delivering professional bank training programmes and development of curricula and training materials.
Good analytical skills in economic and MSE project finance planning and implementation, fully conversant with market and financial analysis risk analysis techniques, and ability to implement computer based models to analyse balance sheets and calculate key financial ratios for lending analysis.
Together, the Team Leader and Key Expert 3 or 4 should be able to cover all the requisite training topics identified in section 4.2.2. They should be able to provide proof that they have successfully delivered such training programmes in EU banks as well as developing markets, as well as developed the supporting training materials.

Duration and Location of Assignment:
The TA Action to support EIBs Lending operations in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and, at a later stage, Burundi, DRC and Djibouti deploying a full time team in Nairobi and satellite operation in Tanzania and Uganda with piloting remote control TA operation in Rwanda for duration of 3 years.

Date of Commencement:
The intended commencement date is 5 May 2014

Project Status:

Deadline for Application:
15 January 2014

Candidates interested are invited to submit their Curriculum Vitae to:
Please note that because of the high number of applications expected only short-listed candidates will contacted. Thank you for your understanding.

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