Policy Advisor cum Chief of Party, Kigali, Rwanda

Tracking Code 20120092
Job Description
IFDC is seeking a Policy Advisor with expertise in fertilizer market development to lead a small team under a USAID funded fertilizer market privatization project in Rwanda. Period of assignment is two years with immediate posting to Kigali, Rwanda. This project is in progress and all logistics and staffing are in place and fully operational.
In September 2010 the United Agency for International Development Mission in Rwanda (USAID-R) awarded IFDC Grant No. AID-696-G-10-00001 to implement the 'Privatization of Fertilizer Import and Distribution System (PReFER)' in Rwanda. Following a series of pro-active policy measures by the MINAGRI during 2011-2013, the PReFER project approach is now being adjusted to enable the project to provide improved support to the MINAGRI and the private sector.
Effective immediately, the PReFER project will make the following adjustments to take advantage of opportunities to improve support to the MINAGRI and further fertilizer market development:
  • Policy Advisor cum COP will be embedded in the MINAGRI to provide improved policy related support and increase transparency of market development.
  • Fertilizer Market Advisor intensifies capacity building at the importer/wholesaler/dealer levels to strengthen private sector performance in servicing the needs of farmers and improve business acumen for long term sustainability. Strengthens relationships between suppliers of credit and entities involved in fertilizer market.
  • PReFER proactively establishes linkages with relevant development projects that impact farmer demand for fertilizers to achieve resource leveraging and synergies.
Both advisors are to work in coordination to address issues that pertain to the government and the private sector and farmers respectively. The advisors will be supported by a technical team of specialists on agribusiness and value chain development and in finance.
Job Duties/Responsibilities:
The Policy Advisor cum Chief of Party (COP) will lead the PReFER project team. In that capacity, the COP will be the primary point of contact with MINAGRI and USAID on project-related matters. Key responsibilities include the following:
  • Provide policy related support to the MINAGR, including identification of policies that constrain private sector investment and performance in the fertilizer market, evaluation of the impact of policies on fertilizer market performance, makes recommendations to MINAGRI on policy reforms/actions that will further contribute to privatization.
  • Advise MINAGRI on subsidy policy implementation in the context of privatization of the fertilizer market to make the subsidy work effectively to help achieve the privatization agenda.
  • Coordinate with Fertilizer Market Advisor to assure that fertilizer market development activities are consistent with expectations of MINAGRI and compliment the policy related reforms to stimulate private sector investment
  • Assures that collaborative relationships and project linkages are well defined and contribute to fertilizer market development and support the overall privatization process to extent feasible. In collaboration with Fertilizer Market Advisor, provide improved information flows to MINAGRI on fertilizer market conditions
  • Manages the PReFER project to achieve a harmonious relationship with MINAGRI and USAID and achieve success in accomplishing project objectives and timely submission of deliverables in accordance with USAID grant agreement.
  • Maintains high staff morale and assures quality staff performance in all PReFER Activities
Required Skills
This is a senior project leadership position for IFDC. Position reports to Country Director of Rwanda.
  • Extensive knowledge about agriculture and fertilizer input policies including fertilizer policy analysis and formulation
  • Good understanding of agriculture value chain development
  • Solid working knowledge of USAID procedures related to project management
  • Good financial and personnel management skills and demonstrated ability to manage a project within budget.
  • Team worker / team builder, proven ability to inspire. A go-getter who gets things done.
  • Excellent communication skills
Required Experience
  • Masters degree in agriculture economics, economics, or related discipline.
  • Minimum of 15 years of experience, in agriculture sector development with emphasis on policy analyses, formulation, evaluation and/or implementation as related to privatization of agriculture input markets.
  • Experience in development and management of Public-Private-Partnerships
Policy Advisor cum Chief of Party, Kigali, Rwanda Policy Advisor cum Chief of Party, Kigali, Rwanda Reviewed by Unknown on 1:14:00 AM Rating: 5
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