Water Supply and Sanitation Specialists

- for projects in Africa

NIRAS are currently seeking for experienced Water Supply and Sanitation Specialists for water supply and sanitation projects in Africa.
Various positions
  • WSS engineers
  • hydrogeologists
  • sociologists
  • HRD specialists
  • etc.
Applicant Requirements
Interested consultants are required to have a minimum of 10 years WSS experience from developing countries and in specific working experience with donor financed (EU and bilateral) projects. Working with decentralized implementation, community participation and working knowledge of French or Portuguese would be an additional advantage - however not necessary.
Application instructions
Interested consultants/specialists should submit CVs to Claes Clifford ccl@niras.dk via email with CC to bcb@niras.dk and jfl@niras.dk.
Furthermore (mandatory) updated CV should also be registered following the link:http://cv.niras.com/register.
Water Supply and Sanitation Specialists Water Supply and Sanitation Specialists Reviewed by Unknown on 2:30:00 AM Rating: 5
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