Program Officer, Targeting Technologies and Farming Systems

Program Officer, Targeting Technologies and Farming Systems (REF.: PO - TTFS / 06-13)

Under the guidance of the Vice President of Programs (VPP), the Program Officer, TTFS will facilitate effective performance in the office of the VPP.
Specific responsibilities will include:
  • Providing conceptual and strategic leadership on how farming systems and constraints shape the targeting of technologies to farmers
  • Identifying and mapping target farming systems and GXEXM interactions for selected varieties and agronomic practices to support effective implementation, monitoring, learning and continuous improvement of programs
  • Supporting local partners and development agents in taking integrated and low-risk innovations to farmers in targeted farming systems to reduce risks and enhance productivity

Program Officer, Targeting Technologies and Farming Systems Program Officer, Targeting Technologies and Farming Systems Reviewed by Unknown on 1:12:00 AM Rating: 5
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