Consultant to prepare National Action Plan for Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIAT)

In January 2012, the Africa Union (AU) Summit of Heads of State and Government formally endorsed a Framework, Roadmap and Architecture for fast tracking the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) and an Action Plan for Boosting intra-African trade (BIAT). The Summit Decision on the CFTA and the Action Plan for the BIAT (Assembly/AU/Dec.394 (XVIII), specifically “calls upon United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and other relevant development partners to support the implementation of the Action Plan and the establishment of the CFTA”. In addition, the Summit Declaration (Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (XVIII) expressly “requests the African Union Commission (AUC), UNECA, AfDB and other relevant agencies, to take appropriate measures including studies, technical support to RECs and sensitization of member States and partners, for the effective implementation of the BIAT/CFTA Road Map”.
 Purpose of the consultancy
It is against this background that UNECA/ATPC in partnership with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), proposes to engage the professional services of consultants to assist eight member States (one consultant for one member state) in preparing National Action Plans for BIAT/CFTA and mainstreaming these plans in their national development plans and strategies. The selected member states are Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana, Djibouti, Gabon, Morocco, Nigeria and Libya.
The main objective of the consultancy is to assist selected Member States in carrying out an institutional analysis and a thorough review of existing structures and policies to identify critical entry points for developing a National Action Plan that would enable the country to increase trade with member states in line with the continental strategy for Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIAT). Specifically, the Consultant will work with governments of selected member states, national stakeholders (private sector, civil society) and bilateral, regional and multilateral organizations to develop a National Action Plan for Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIIT) and establishing the CFTA and mainstreaming the Action Plan in national development plans and strategies.
 In carrying out the above assignment, the Consultant shall be guided by the Action Plan on BIAT and CFTA Framework Document endorsed by the AU Summit, as well as the corresponding Implementation Strategy Document.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall guidance of RITD Director and the direct supervision of ATPC Coordinator, the Consultant will:
  • Undertake an institutional review exercise of existing national level structures, policies and programmes for promoting intra-African trade;
  • Provide strategic guidance, advice and technical support on institutional arrangements, programmes and activities that selected member States should take into consideration in developing the National Action Plan for BIAT/CFTA;
  • Provide in collaboration with counterpart officials at UNDP, UNECA, AUC and RECs, technical backstopping for the meetings of the technical working groups responsible for developing the National Action Plan on BIAT/CFTA;
  • Consolidate inputs from the various technical working groups into final National Action Plan on BIAT/CFTA;
  • Provide technical guidance in mainstreaming the National Action Plan on BIAT/CFTA into National Development Plans and Strategies.
Key deliverables and outputs
  • Production of an inception report;
  • Situational Analysis Report detailing existing structures and frameworks, existing policies, strategies and programmes for boosting trade overall and intra-African trade in particular;
  • Production of a consolidated National Action Plan on BIAT/CFTA incorporating inputs from multi-stakeholder technical working groups on BIAT/CFTA.


Core Competencies:
  • Upholds the principles of the United Nations Charter; demonstrates the values of the United Nations, including impartiality, fairness, honesty and truthfulness, in daily activities and behaviors;
  • Acts without consideration of personal gain;
  • Resists undue political pressure in decision-making;
  • does not abuse power or authority;
  • Stands by decisions that are in the Organization's interest even if they are unpopular; and takes prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behavior.
  • Knowledge and understanding of UN’s operational context, particularly in the fields of common services, joint premises and common procurement;
  • Ability to identify key procedures and issues, conduct data collection, operational analyses and discussions with decision-makers to propose solutions to these issues;
  • Ability to apply sound judgment in the context of assignments given, and work under pressure;
  • Shows persistence and remains calm in stressful situations;
  • Shows pride in work and achievements, demonstrates professional competence and mastery of the subject matter;
  • Responds positively to feedback and different points of view;
  • Conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results. 
Respect for Diversity
  • Works effectively with people from all backgrounds;
  • Treats all people with dignity and respect;
  • shows respect for, and understanding of, diverse points of view and demonstrates this understanding in daily work and decision-making;
  • Examines own biases and behaviors to avoid stereotypical responses; and
  • Does not discriminate against any individual or group.
Planning and Organizing
  • Develops clear goals that are consistent with the terms defined here. Identifies priority activities and assignments, and adjusts them as required;
  • Allocates appropriate time and resources for completing work by foreseeing risks and developing contingency plans accordingly;
  • Monitors and adjusts plans as necessary, and uses time effectively.
  • Speaks and writes clearly and effectively;
  • Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately;
  • Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication;
  • Tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience;
  • Keeps confidential information undisclosed.
  • Takes ownership of responsibilities and honours commitments;
  • Delivers assigned tasks within prescribed time, cost and quality standards;
  • Operates in compliance with organizational regulations and rules;
  • Takes personal responsibility for his/her shortcomings.
Functional Competencies:
  • Proven experience in developing strategies for effective trade expansion at a national, regional or continental level is desirable;
  • Thorough understanding of intra-African trade challenges and supply-side bottlenecks facing African countries.

Required Skills and Experience

  • An advanced degree in Economics, Trade and/or related fields.
  • Have a minimum of ten (10) years of professional experience in the domain of expertise required for to carry out this assignment.
  • Must be fluent in English and /or French;
  • A working knowledge of the other language will be an asset.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Consultant to prepare National Action Plan for Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIAT) Consultant to prepare National Action Plan for Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIAT) Reviewed by Unknown on 3:29:00 AM Rating: 5
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