Consultant/Specialist on Reviewing Fire Outbreaks and Impacts On SLM:

Consultant/Specialist on Reviewing Fire Outbreaks and Impacts On SLM: Re-Advertisement - No: FRURT 005/2013

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking for a qualified person to undertake the following consultancy assignments for the Kagera River Basin TransboundaryAgro¬ecosystem Management Programme (TAMP):
Study on extent of wildfires and the use of fire in different land uses in the Kagera region in Tanzania and their impacts on soil, vegetation, biodiversity, ecological functions and livelihoods and identification of best practices and control/management mechanisms for piloting by Kagera TAMP with stakeholders.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Under the direct supervision of the national project manager, and technical supervision of the Land and Water Division and administrative supervision of FAO Representative, the national consultant will carry out the following tasks:
In collaboration with District Project Facilitator (DPF) and technical staff in each district, collect andanalyse information on fire outbreaks (wild and intentional), their causes and effects with special attention to effects on vegetation, soil, biodiversity, ecological functions (carbon, nutrient and water cycles and pollination), and impacts on livelihoods, and identify suitable wildifire prevention and controlled fire use t strategies for implementation by stakeholders with support of the TAMP project.
Review existing literature on fire incidence and their control and management in the Kagera basin (BukobaMissenyiKaragwe and Ngara districts) in Tanzania and the wider cattle corridor with Uganda;
Organize focused group discussions 'with communities, district administration staff and other stakeholders (SLM related projects, NGOs, etc), to assess fire incidence and effects (affected land use types, extent, severity and frequency and impacts) and understand reasons behind use of fire as a land management tool (i.e. land clearing, burning of residues, pasture regrowth, hunting, honey collection etc) and of wildfires (lack of fire prevention and control, inadequate land and bush management etc.) and identify realistic strategies and options for reducing detrimental effects;
Assess government, rural communities and individual interventions to control fire use/outbreaks, their effectiveness as well as costs and benefits.
Identify best practices/mechanisms that could eventually be applied to reduce fire use and damage; including the assessment of "traditional" fire knowledge and management practices and their potential for future interventions.
Take inventory of the policy, laws, by-laws and regulations against fires at all levels (government, district, community/catchment) mechanisms for enforcement and challenges encountered with corresponding mitigation strategies.
With communities assess the effects of fire on: vegetation cover, soil quality (soil carbon, soil life, compaction, sealing, and crusting), runoff .and soil erosion, biodiversity (invasive/undesirable species, pests/weeds & diseases, medicinal plants, pasture quality, pollination, game, etc.) and rural livelihoods (assets, human health, etc);
In collaboration with FAO RS unit, suggest ways to address fire risk assessment and how to deal with fire impacts in the Kagera basin of Tanzania  
Develop a strategy and plan of action including training and awareness raising for piloting by the project with partners for improved fire control and management by different stakeholders (land users, communities, local and district authorities) for forest, grassland, and crop land use types in Bukoba,MissenyiKaragwe and Ngara districts
Prepare and submit a draft report to the national project manager in Tanzania, Regional project coordinator and FAOR for initial review and if required revision and subsequent submission for technical clearance by FAO Land and Water Division in consyltation with Forest Management and Conservation Division.
Principal results/performance indicators:
Report on the situation regarding fire incidence, causes and effects and existing and potential fire control mechanisms and managemeni practices and their effectiveness with recommendations on a strategy and plan of action for piloting improved fire control and managemenf in different land uses with the range of stakeholders.
Information/data through site and areal sampling in representative land uses on effects of fire on vegetation, soil cover, biomass and soil carbon, soil living organisms, surface and subsurface compaction, sealing and crusting.
Expected results completion date: 15th August 2013 and principal results 30.days after contracting date:
Qualifications and experience:
The selected expert! Candidate should have
A University Masters or equivalent degree, preferably in Ecology, Natural resources, Wildlife management, Livestock/grazing management, Forestry or related field
At least 5 years of experience of service in one or more of the above fields, including experience in conducting similar studies on fire incidence and use and management/control practices in Tanzania
Experience and knowledge of questions related to climate change, biodiversity and land degradation, agriculture, and sociocultural and environmental interlinkages;
Fluent in English (oral and written) and Kiswahili.
Duty station:Missenyi, Karagwe and Ngara Districts. Duration: 30 days

Application Instructions:
The Applications should be sent to the below address before COB on 10th July 2013:
FAO Representative
SIDA H,.Ada Estate
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road Opposite DSTV Office
P. O. Box 2
Dar es Salaam
Email:  and copy to:
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