UNICEF MALAWI Education Specialist

Education Specialist
Level: L3
Duration: 364 days
Title: Education Specialist
To support UNICEF sector policy, advocacy, partnership development and leadership within the context of a SWAp environment and a UN Coherence programme. To specifically support: i) Sector policy and advocacy; ii) Management and coordination of the Development Partner Group for enhanced alignment, and harmonisation of sector support; and iii) coherence of UN partners agencies in the Education Sector.
Chief of Education
1. Management and dissemination of Sector Situation Analyses and related documentation.
2. Conduct policy dialogue and development of related advocacy agenda.
3. Development and management of the Education Partners Group Plan/Roadmap, Plans and the Education UNDAF AWP.
4. A database and information management system which includes a partner mapping and an M&E framework for the One UN Coherence programme.
5. Overall report on the findings and recommendations for review by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, other key ministries and the Education Development Partners’ Group.
Education: Advanced University Degree, preferably in the social sciences, education, development studies or other relevant field of study;
Work Experience:
1. At least 3-5 years of experience working at the policy level in education, preferably in Sub-Saharan Africa;
2. Demonstrated experience and clear understanding of the SWAp concept and procedures; and familiarity with development assistance in sub-Saharan Africa; and
3. Excellent communication, facilitation and reporting writing skills.
Works Arrangement
Full Time Office based with Frequent Field travel
Duties & Tasks
1. Support both the Education Development Partners Group (EDPG) and the UN Partners in Education to carry out and coordinate relevant sector analyses, and research as part of evidence based advocacy. The DP group is currently conducting and will in future conduct sector analyses that focus on existing policies, implementation practices and M&E mechanisms, with a view to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in terms of existing procedures and actual practices in order to strengthen commitment to the existing SWAp.
2. Support to policy dialogue and advocacy to create understanding among the partners in the education sector of barriers and opportunities for equitable access to quality education. Develop an advocacy agenda which specifically promote rights based education programming; emphasizing the principles of gender equality and strategies for gender mainstreaming; and use of results based management processes to promote partnerships on major issues of concern, formulate common positions, formulate policy guidance and influence allocation of resources.
3. Support strategy formulation, planning and monitoring in relation to development assistance by EDPs and the UN Development Assistance Programme within the Education SWAp. Specifically, facilitate the implementation of a roadmap developed for both donors and Government towards improved harmonisation, alignment and capacity building with regard to formulation and implementation of the Education Sector Implementation Plan (ESIP). With regard to ensuring UN coherence, the TA/Consultant will support joint programming, monitoring and evaluation. In the strategy formulation process, the TA/Consultant will promote inter-sectoral linkages between the Education Sector and other sectors to ensure Malawi’s prospects of achieving the relevant MDGs.
4. Establish a data base and promote knowledge management among development partner and CSO interventions in relation to the Education Sector Investment Plan. Specific support will be provided to updating a donor mapping with the purpose of identifying any areas where harmonisation is required and where project interventions can be taken to scale. The TA ensures exchange of knowledge, information, experience or lessons learned; provides solid technical recommendations on major programme directions; and introduction of new initiatives in the country.
5. Provide bi-monthly, mid-year and annual reports on the performance of the Education SWAp and its related partnerships. The TA will present report findings and recommendations for review by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Education Development Partners’ Group and the UN Delivery as One (DAO) Partnership in Education.
Competencies of Successful Candidate
i) Core Competencies (Required)
- Communication [II]
- Working with People [II]
- Drive for Result [II]

ii) Functional Competencies (Required)
- Formulating Strategies and Concepts [II]
- Leading and Supervising [I]
- Analyzing [II]
- Relating and Networking [ II ]
- Deciding and Initiating Action [ II ]
- Applying Technical Expertise [III]
- Planning and Organizing [III]
- Creating and Innovating [III]

How to Apply:
Qualified candidates are requested to submit a cover letter, Performance Evaluation Report (if applicable), CV and Personal History Form (P-11 form) (which can be downloaded from our website at http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/index_53129.html) on or before 13 June 2013 via e-mail address: hrmalawi@unicef.org
UNICEF is committed to gender equality in its mandate and its staff. Well qualified candidates, particularly females are strongly encouraged to apply.
Only shortlisted applicants will be acknowledged.

UNICEF MALAWI Education Specialist UNICEF MALAWI Education Specialist Reviewed by Unknown on 1:38:00 AM Rating: 5
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