Team Leader – Basket funding for the Water and Sanitation Sector

The National Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (NUWSSP) for Zambia is directed to an improvement of sustainable supply of the urban population with drinking water and to the improvement of sanitation. The establishment of a basket financing mechanism as one important component of the implementation of the NUWSSP will be supported under the frame of the Zambian-German Financial Cooperation.
Implementation of project components under the NUWSSP will be preferentially imbedded into a basket mechanism, which has to be established under the set-up of the Ministry of Local Government and Housing (MLGH). For the day to day management of the Basket, MLGH will be assisted by a Management Assistance Team.
Individual projects under the programme will be implemented by the Commercial Utilities (CUs). These are the responsible utilities for provision of water supply and sanitation services in all major towns of the country. Based on calls for proposals, the CUs prepare project proposals for financing under the Basket mechanism. These proposals and the concerning project financing will be assessed and evaluated by the Management Assistance Team.
The entire basket mechanism under the NUWSSP is in the initial stage. It is therefore envisaged to support the establishment of the basket mechanism with qualified assistance of an experienced consulting company.
We are now looking for an international Team Leader who will have the overall responsibility and should provide input to the following key activities:
  • Support of the MLGH in organization and arrangement of the implementation modalities of the basket mechanism, including (during the first phase) implementation of all concerning tasks related to the basket mechanism such as preparation and definition of criteria for project components, elaboration of work plans, financial management etc,..
  • Preparation and implementation of project applications directed to water loss reduction and energy efficiency, including assistance and technical advisory services to the CUs, definition of eligibility criteria for selection of project component and final selection and approval of investment packages in compliance with the project objectives, preparation of tender documents, performance of international competitive bidding and procurement of equipment components (water meters, valves, pumps, etc.)
  • Management and coordination of distribution and delivery of the procured equipment to the CUs, monitoring of the supply of the equipment and of the concerning installation, utilization, outcome and quality control;
  • Critical review of the implementation procedures of the basket mechanism and preparation of Framework Guidelines for the basket procedures, as well as Terms of References for a future management by the Management Assistant Team;
  • Preparation of specifications for a sanitation call as well as an infrastructure call for future financing under the Basket mechanism.
The Team Leader should offer profound experience in the water and sanitation sector, especially in:
  • Baket funding (set-up, modalities, review, guidelines);
  • WSS utility management and support (technical aspects, procurement. tendering);
  • Regional experience;
  • Cooperation with international donor agencies, ideally KfW;
  • Project monitoring and evaluation and quality control.
To apply
Applications and updated CV should be submitted to
Team Leader – Basket funding for the Water and Sanitation Sector Team Leader – Basket funding for the Water and Sanitation Sector Reviewed by Unknown on 2:27:00 AM Rating: 5
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