Motor Vehicle Driver , Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA)

The Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) is an autonomous Government Agency established by the Act of Parliament No.1 of 1994. VETA is responsible for regulating, coordinating, financing and providing Vocational Education and Training in Tanzania. VETA is an equal opportunity organization.
The Authority is looking for qualified, competent, dynamic and committed Tanzanians to fill the following vacant positions.
Job Purpose
To transport authorised people and materials to the required destination within the specified time using motor vehicle and carry out light services in order to improve over all company's performance.
Minimum Qualification and experience required
Direct Entry
Holder of "0" level Certificate PLUS
Holder of Class "C" driving licence plus Cert. in Motor driver's Training from a recognised Institution
At least 3 (three) years work experience from outside in the same field plus six months probation period
Attitudes and Competencies Required
Must have all limbs required for driving that is hands and legs
Should be able to fill up comprehensively different forms preferably in English/Swahili.
Should preferably be fluent in English/ Swahili.
Should be able to use all signs of arithmetic in order to be able to account for the utilities.

Application Instructions:
Application letters enclosed with CVs indicating names and addresses of three referees, copies of relevant academic transcripts and certificates should be addressed to the undersigned.
Only applicants with requirements qualification for this position will be considered.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
"VETA is an equal opportunity organization, women are highly encouraged to apply. 

The applications should reach the office of the undersigned latest by 28th June, 2013.
The Director General,
Vocational Education and Training Authority,
P. O. Box 2849,  
Dar es Salaam.
Motor Vehicle Driver , Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) Motor Vehicle Driver , Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) Reviewed by Unknown on 3:34:00 AM Rating: 5
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