EWSA Environmental Safeguards Specialist

Energy Water and Sanitation Authority/ EWSA
Avenue du lac Ihema, PO Box 537 Kigali, Rwanda. 
Tel: + (250) (0)252573666,
Fax + (250) (0)252573802, 
Email: ewsa@ewsa.rw, info@ewsa.rw, ewsa@rwanda1.rw,
Website: www.ewsa.rw



Responsibilities & Duties

1) Familiarize himself/herself with the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) for the program;(These public documents are available to applicants upon request.);
2) Monitor implementation and recommend improvements as needed to either framework during program implementation;
3) Track and analyse program compliance with World Bank and NEMA environmental requirements and environmental safeguard policies;
4) Ensure program compliance with environmental safeguards requirements throughout program implementation.

Required qualification & experience 

1) University degree in one of the Environmental Sciences or other related fields, and at least 2 years
of professional familiarity with environmental impact assessments,.
2) Thorough understanding of World Bank environmental safeguards policies, especially environmental assessment
3) Familiarity with environmental conditions prevailing in Rwanda or similar African countries;
5) Familiarity with environmental regulations and laws in Rwanda, and;
6) Should ideally be fluent in English, French and Kinyarwanda.

Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications letters addressed to the Director General of EWSA and CV´s no laterthan19/06/2013.
Ntare Karitanyi
Director General 
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