Concern WorldWide Research Innovators in Tanzania

3D Rapid-Prototyping for Development (3D4D): Recruiting research innovators for program on participatory 3D rapid--?prototyping of labour-saving agri-tools with women smallholder farmers in Tanzania.

User-led Innovation: Participatory 3D prototyping of labour-saving agri-tools to improve productivity of women smallholder farmers in East Africa.

The 3D4AgDev Program is a collaborative innovation program between the National University of Ireland Galway (NUI Galway) and Concern Worldwide (Ireland).

The 3D4AgDev Program has been awarded a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) Grand Challenges Exploration Phase 1 Award to facilitate user?led innovation and rapid prototyping (e.g. using 3D printers) to transform smallholder women farmers from consumers to design innovators of their own labour-saving agricultural tools.


Concern WorldWide Research Innovators in Tanzania Concern WorldWide Research Innovators in Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 2:02:00 AM Rating: 5
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