Knowledge Management Officer (REF.: KMO/06-13)

AGRA is seeking to recruit an exceptional individual to fill the position of Knowledge Management Officer. This position will report to the Vice President of Policy, Advocacy, and Partnerships (VP-PAP) and be responsible for the following:
Key Responsibilities
  • Supporting the VP-PAP in identifying information needs and interests of AGRA's target stakeholder groups for the purposes of scaling demonstrated agricultural models across the value chain
  • Identifying information sources in the organization to meet the knowledge requirements of target stakeholders
  • Coordinating the collection of information and evidence of demonstrated models used across agricultural value chains by AGRA grantees from Country, Program, Policy, and Grants units, among others
  • Creating compelling stories and documenting successful models demonstrated by AGRA detailing benefits and outcomes
  • Collaborating with the Communications Team to customize and package stories to meet stakeholder needs
  • Promoting knowledge-sharing in the organization by engaging units, offering training required, and facilitating seamless exchange of information with both internal and external parties
  • Overseeing design, creation, and maintenance of the Knowledge Management System, in collaboration with the IT group
  • Working with technical experts in the organization to develop and disseminate regular publications and white papers on topics of interest in the agriculture sector

Knowledge Management Assistant (REF.: KMA/06-13)

AGRA is seeking to recruit an exceptional individual to fill the position of Knowledge Management Assistant.
This position will report to the Knowledge Management Officer and be responsible for the following:
Key Responsibilities
  • Assisting in customizing and packaging information and data into compelling stories aligned to stakeholder needs
  • Supporting the Knowledge Management Officer in developing and disseminating regular publications and white papers on topics of interest in the agriculture sector
  • Supporting other units, such as Programs and M&E, to periodically populate information into the Knowledge Management System and website
  • Conducting primary sector research using sector resources, the AGRA library, and the internet to support AGRA Teams as needed
  • Working with the IT group to design and create a Knowledge Management System to consolidate AGRA's knowledge..........

Agribusiness Officer - Soil Health Program (REF.: AO - SHP / 06-13)

Reporting to the Director of the Soil Health Program, the Agribusiness Officer for the Soil Health Program will be responsible for the identification, award, management and supervision of grants with the objective of improving the physical and financial access to appropriate agricultural inputs (fertilizers, seeds etc.) and produce markets by smallholder farmers in an efficient, equitable and sustainable manner

Program Officer, Research and Extension - Soil Health Program (REF: PO - ER / 06-13)

Reporting to the Director, Soil Health Program, the Program Officer, Research and Extension will work with members of the senior management team and other Program Officers to identify proven soil health innovations that could impact farmers if scaled up by AGRA and its development partners

Media and Digital Specialist (REF.: MDS / 06-13)

The Media and Digital Specialist will work with the Communications team and be responsible for coordinating production of content for the website, editing web content generated by multiple authors, producing short videos and audio clips for the website, undertaking media monitoring, doing html graphic design and managing a digital photo library.

Program Assistant - Policy & Advocacy (REF.: PA - PP/ 06-13)

The Program Assistant works under the guidance of the Policy and Advocacy Officers, providing administrative and programmatic support to the unit. The position reports to the Policy Director. 
Click here for more information

Country Head  (Mali, Mozambique and Tanzania)

AGRA is seeking to recruit three (3) experienced and exceptional individuals to fi ll the following positions at Senior Program Officer level:
Country Head- Mali (Ref.: CH - Mali / 06-13)
Country Head - Mozambique (Ref.: CH - Mozambique / 06-13)
Country Head - Tanzania (Ref.: CH - Tanzania / 06-13)
Reporting to the Vice President of Programs, the Country Heads will represent AGRA in their respective countries and will act as the catalyst for AGRA's integrated interventions by coordinating activities and building necessary relationships with their governments, private sector, donors and other key stakeholders.
These positions are internationally recruited and will be based in Bamako (Mali), Maputo (Mozambique), and Dares-Salaam (Tanzania) on renewable 3-year fi xed-term contracts based on performance. The positions will involve frequent travel in-country and across sub-Saharan Africa.
AGRA JOBS JUNE 2013 AGRA JOBS JUNE 2013 Reviewed by Unknown on 5:38:00 AM Rating: 5
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