Supply of BEmONC Equipments in Tanzania

IFB No: PTZ/01/2013
Plan is an international humanitarian, Child-Centered Development Organization without religious, political or government affiliation. Plan strives (Plan Mission) to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children in developing countries through a process that unites people across cultures and adds meaning and value to their lives.
Since 1992, Plan Tanzania has been supporting community development activities in different districts of Tanzania. Currently, Plan Tanzania is supporting a number of development programs in Ilala Municipality, Kisarawe, Kibaha, Ifakara, Geita and Mwanza.
Plan Tanzania under Wazazi na Mwana project, among other projects targets at reducing maternal, neonatal and child mortality among underserved population in 5 districts in Tanzania i.e. Two districts in Mwanza Region (Ilemela and Sengerema) and three districts in Rukwa region (Nkasi, Kalambo and Sumbawanga Rural) and contribute to the achievement of National MDG Goals i.e. 4 &5. The project is taking a two-pronged approach. On the supply side issues, the project will improve the quantity and quality of health care services, in particular Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC), as well as staff MNCH Skills including planning, monitoring and data collection and outreach capacity. On the demand side, the project will increase the awareness of men, women and children in the communities on the importance of accessing skilled health care, promote behavioral change and male involvement, and increase community involvement in health management
  1. Plan Tanzania has set aside funds for provision BEmONC equipments to all health facilities in the project areas during the financial year 2013/2014, with the aim of improving the quality of services provided to the community. It is intended that part of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract of procurement of good quality BEmONC according to the MOHSW standards. These equipments are to be delivered in Ilemela district and Sengerema district in Mwanza region, and Nkasi district and Sumbawanga Rural district in Rukwa region (the quantity is as per the Information on Annex A) within a period of 8 weeks.
  2. Plan Tanzania now invites sealed bids from eligible registered local and International service providers in the category of supply of BEmONC equipments.
  3. Bidding will be conducted through sealed tendering procedures and is open to all bidders specialized in supply of the above equipments.
  4. Evaluation will be conducted based on Plan Tanzania Procurement Guidelines and Plan is not bound to accept any highest or lowest tender.
  5. All applicants MUST posses the following minimum qualifications;
  • Possess valid business license Registered with Tax Authorities
  • Physical address and contact person
  • Experience on the supply of the required equipment should not be less than 5 years working on each of the categories
  1. A complete set of Bidding Document(s) in English and additional samples may be collected by interested Bidders upon payments of non refundable fee of 50,000/= and submission of a written application to the address given under paragraph 6 above. A receipt as a proof of payment will form part of the tender documents to be submitted together with the bids (this applies ONLY to bidders who decide to buy tender documents from Plan offices) or print for free through the link provided in the application instructions.
Bids will be opened promptly thereafter in public on Friday, 19th July 2013 at 10:00am in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in the opening at the Plan Tanzania office, conference room.
  1. Late bids, portion of bids, electronic bids, and bids not received, bids not opened and not read out in public at the bid opening ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstance.
  2. Plan is not bound to accept any lowest or highest bid.
  3. Submission of the complete Bids should be addressed to;
Country Director,
IFB No. PTZ/01/2013.
“Supply of BEmONC equipments”
Plan International, Box 3517 Dar Es Salaam Tanzania
See attached Annex A – Quantity and Types of Equipment Needed per District (delivery period of 8 weeks)
How to apply:
Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding Documents at the office of Plan Tanzania located at :
Central Technology Building (CT House); Off New Bagamoyo Rd Next to TBC1
Plot No. 96 Mikocheni Light Industrial Area
Box 3517, Dar Es Salaam – Tanzania
Tel: + (255) 22 2773262/3/4
From 8:30am to 4:00 pm on Mondays to Thursdays and 8:30 am to 2:00pm during Fridays, except on public holidays, or to download for free the full tender documents at (no either payments nor support of the receipt as Clause # 7 requires, this is a free download and submission)
All bids in one original plus one copy, properly filled and marked on the top “Supply of BEmONC equipments”, and enclosed in plain envelopes must be delivered to the address below at 10.30hrs local time of 17th July 2013. Please reference the IFB No. PTZ/01/2013.
Supply of BEmONC Equipments in Tanzania Supply of BEmONC Equipments in Tanzania Reviewed by Unknown on 8:09:00 AM Rating: 5
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