Senior Grants and Compliance officer

Catholic Relief Services is seeking a Senior Grants and Compliance officer with experience in Grant management, institutional capacity building, budgeting, and implementation of sub-recipient monitoring policy. The incumbent will ensure that CRS Rwanda complies with the donor regulations in grant reporting. S/He will also ensure adequate sub-recipient monitoring in terms of assessment, forecasting, financial reporting and liquidations and field monitoring.

The Applicant must fulfill the following conditions:

Qualifications and Personal Professional skills: 

• Minimum Bachelor´s degree in finance or accounting required. Technical or professional certificate in accounting desired.
• 7 years’ experience in finance and compliance.  
• Fully conversant with US Government Cost and principles for NGOs, significant USG grants management experience and knowledge of  USG rules and regulations 
• Ability to manage a function for grants and compliance 
• High level in finance for NGOs, donor regulations with minimal supervision. 
• Ability to analyze and interpretation of data in finance for NGOs and grants. 
• Independently able to perform a major part of a professional area program. 
• Understands and applies highly technical knowledge and skill, applicable laws, agency rules and regulations for finance and compliance;
•   Good communication skills;  
• Proven experience in interaction with donors and local or international sub grantees. 
• Ability to lead and transfer knowledge management in finance and compliance. 
• Experience on cost applications ;
• Proficiency in Sun Systems and Query &Analysis application strongly preferred 
• French and English as working languages 
• Proficiency in Microsoft office applications  

Candidates fulfilling required conditions can collect a detailed job description at the CRS office reception at Kimihurura behind KBC. Only electronic applications-including a motivation letter and a current detailed CV should be addressed to the CRS Country Representative exclusively at and copy on or before Wednesday 26, 2013 at 5:00 pm. Due to anticipated interest in this post, only short-listed candidates will get feedback.

LeAnn C Hager
Country Representative 
Senior Grants and Compliance officer Senior Grants and Compliance officer Reviewed by Unknown on 8:07:00 AM Rating: 5
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