Senior Expert In Development Cooperation

Project title:
11th EDF Regional Programming Facilitation services in support to the Regional Authorising Officer, the National Authorising Officers and the EU Delegations in the East African Community
Senior Expert in  Development Cooperation
Eligible nationalities:
All nationalities
Start of project:
Assignment duration:
65 wd
Objective of the project:
The overall objective
Overall objective The overall objective of this assignment is to contribute to the development of the 11th EDF development cooperation programme with the EAC region for the period 2014 to 2020, within the wider context of an ESA-IO coordinated approach and the EU support to the African continental integration agenda (FTA, PIDA, APSA etc.)

Specific objectives
The specific objective is to support the programming exercise of the 11th EDF and assist the EU Delegations in the EAC region, the EAC and its member countries in identifying and prioritizing the relevant interventions for the EAC region to be funded under the 11th EDF.
Qualifications required:
Qualifications and skills
  • Masters degree in Economics, Political Science, International Trade, Law or any development-related field;
  • Strong management, communication and team building skills;
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the Project Cycle Management;
  • Fluency in written and spoken English;
  •  Computer literacy and proficiency in relevant IT applications.
General Professional Experiences Required
  • Minimum 10 years of experience in development cooperation with at least 5 years in project management on projects of regional nature (harmonization of laws, trade facilitation, capacity building etc.).
  • Experience in capacity development: at least 3 assignments covering preparation or evaluation of capacity development plans must be demonstrated.
  • Experience in EDF procedures and in assessments of trade related programmes at national and/or regional level in East Africa would be an asset.
  • Demonstrated knowledge and experience in gender equality would be an asset
Other information:
If you are interested in this position please send your CV in EU format under the heading “Tanzania & Senior Expert in Development Cooperation”.

When sending your application please include an indication of your desired remuneration (day-rate). Please also make sure that you include one or more telephone numbers.
Only selected candidates will be contacted.
Apply by 20 June 2013
Senior Expert In Development Cooperation Senior Expert In Development Cooperation Reviewed by Unknown on 12:53:00 AM Rating: 5
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