Pharmaceutical Technician II , Bugando Medical Centre

Bugando Medical Centre is a consultant and teaching hospital for the Lake and Western zones of the United Republic of Tanzania. It is situated along the shores of Lake Victoria in Mwanza City: It has 900 beds and over 1000 employees. It is a referral centre for tertiary specialist care for eight regions, namely: - MwanzaGeitaSimiyu, Mara, KageraShinyangaTabora and serves a catchment's population of over 14 million people. Bugando Medical Centre is therefore inviting suitably Tanzanians to fill the following vacancies;-

Direct Entry Qualifications
Holder of a Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized institution must be enrolled in the register of Pharmacy Council of Tanzania as Pharmaceutical Technician.

Duties and Responsibilities
Dispensing prescriptions from approved prescribers or from a Pharmacist Dealing with pharmaceutical production
Keeping routine records of drugs and hospital materials f Calculating costs of each prescription and recording the sale registers.

Salary Scale:PMGSS.6    
Age Limit: Not above 3S years of age      

Application Instructions:
Letters of application should be written in English preferably handwritten attaching
a detailed curriculum vitae, certified copies of academic/professional qualification, testimonials and names, Addresses, telephone numbers and email of two referees, should put in a sealed envelope addressed to the Director General so as to reach him within two weeks of the date of first appearance. Only short listed applicants will be contacted.
Director General,
Bugando Medical Centre,
P.O. Box 1370,
Area: Mwanza
Application Deadline: Jun 24, 2013
Pharmaceutical Technician II , Bugando Medical Centre Pharmaceutical Technician II , Bugando Medical Centre Reviewed by Unknown on 7:08:00 AM Rating: 5
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