MYP Language B (French) Teacher

At DIA, the teacher’s primary objective is the development, delivery, and assessment of the written curriculum.  All activities must work toward the fulfillment of the DIA mission statement:

            Dar Es Salaam International Academy aspires to, deliver high quality international education to our very diverse student body in a nurturing environment. To inspire a passion for learning, foster a sense of wonder and curiosity, and teach responsible citizenship through a partnership amongst school, home, and community. To develop, sustain and maintain academic excellence coupled with a balanced, holistic curriculum that is relevant to the students’ day-to-day life experience.

DIA Professional Duties for MYP Teachers

Curriculum related duties – written, taught and assessed.

  • Attend weekly MYP planning meetings on Tuesday 1:30 – 3.30pm.
  • Meet the MYP Coordinator once every two weeks to discuss curriculum development, assessments, student progress and other professional duties.
  • Complete student reports comments in a timely fashion.
  • Discuss student progress with parents during Parent-Teacher Conferences.
  • Participate in professional development (in-service days, workshops etc).
  • Regularly meet with other teacher(s) in their subject group for vertical planning.
  • Communicate regularly with other subject teachers to develop and document Interdisciplinary Units.
  • Maintain, update and follow a subject-specific ‘Action Plan’ to ensure strategic development of the curriculum.
  • Maintain up-to-date documentation of the written, taught and assessed curriculum on ManageBac.
  • Keep records of assessment and student achievements.
  • Keep four samples of student work for every summative assessment (1 comparatively good, 2 average, 1 comparatively weak).
  • Ensure that grade 10 moderation samples are compiled and fully documented in a timely and organized fashion to be sent to the IB.

Additional professional duties:

  • Follow the behaviour policy when addressing discipline issues.
  • Aide in the supervision of one Community and Service project.
  • Serve as a personal project supervisor when requested.
  • Organize and lead one special event a year (e.g. Science Fair, Maths Day, Performance, Art and Literature week, AOI days).
  • Lead or supervise at least one after-school activity.
  • Supervise field trips (overnight) when requested.
  • Observe stipulations outlined in the DIA Faculty handbook and other DIA policies relating to teacher activities.

IB MYP Related Professional Duties

Teachers must be knowledgeable and conversant, and follow guidelines and suggestions developed by the IB and contained in the following guidebooks or resources published by the IB:

IB General

  • ‘IB Learner Profile’
  • ‘MYP General Regulations’
  • ‘A Basis For Practice’
  • ‘Programme standards and practices’

MYP Specific

  • ‘MYP: From principles into practice’
  • Respective subject guide(s) appropriate to the subject being taught
  • ‘Command Terms in MYP’
  • Example interim objectives
  • Frequently visit the Online Curriculum Centre to keep up-to-date with subject specific resources and forums and teacher support material.
  • Use subject interim objectives and end-of-year criteria when planning curriculum and assessments.

In general terms, all classes being taught must reflect international-mindedness, aim to develop in students the qualities of the Learner profile, and uphold the 3 fundamental concepts of the MYP:

  • intercultural awareness
  • holistic Learning
  • communication

Teachers must follow procedures outlined by the IB in relation to the following areas of teaching:
  • developing all units of teaching through the context of Areas of Interaction
  • meeting all subject specific objectives
  • using formative and summative assessment
  • planning for teaching and learning

Desired Skills & Experience

- Teaching Qualifications 
- Background Knowledge or Experience of the IB Middle Years Programme
- Fluency in French and teaching French as a foreign language

Company Description

Dar es Salaam International Academy is a small international school situated in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 
DIA is an IB World School authorized to implement the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) since 2009 and a Primary Years Programme (PYP) Candidate school since 2012. 
DIA prides itself for it's family-like feel and close knit community. With a truly international feel with 30+ nationalities being represented within our student body and faculty. 

Dar es Salaam International Academy
P.O.Box 23282
Plot 1325/1326
Transit Supermarket Road (just off Chole Road), Masaki
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
MYP Language B (French) Teacher MYP Language B (French) Teacher Reviewed by Unknown on 5:21:00 AM Rating: 5
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