Leader of Science Domain 2

Deadline31 Jul-2013
Job CategoryInternationally Recruited Staff
DepartmentSD2 – Tree Products and Markets
DesignationLeader of Science Domain 2
Roles and responsibilitiesDuties and Responsibilities:
1. Lead research focusing on the following themes: 
• Value chain analysis and development including post-harvest handling, for agroforestry tree products 
• Consumer demand (including nutrition and its linkages to markets)
• Institutional, political, and market context for value chain development and rural livelihood strengthening (including standards and other market governance tools) 
• Input and service markets, particularly better understanding of how to organize nursery capacity in scaling
• Enterprise development, with focus on cooperatives and producer associations 
• Rural livelihoods, vulnerability, and risk-reducing mechanisms, and 
• Multi-stakeholder learning for improved design and implementation of value chain development 
The research should be of global value leading to generation of new knowledge, methods, policies and capacity
2. Lead research in other relevant areas of production and enterprise economics of agroforestry systems as well as private sector engagement in public-private partnerships 

3. Provide leadership for ICRAF's contributions to the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets. 

4. Supporting functions for all the above:
• Guide and build ICRAF’s capacity to carry out such research in all its regions.
• Guide/supervise thesis research students
• Initiate and manage partnerships with different national and international stakeholders (government agencies, private companies, donor agencies, NGOs, among others)
• Interact with other senior staff to ensure useful incorporation of the activities mentioned above into other aspects of the Centre’s work 
• Project development and implementation and fundraising.
• Contribute to the attainment of the Centre’s strategic goals and the CGIAR Consortium’s Strategic Research Framework 
5. Carry out any other activities related to the Program as directed by ICRAF DDG-R.
Skill setQualifications and experience
• PhD in agricultural/natural resources economics, a related social science, business management, or a related discipline 
• Strong publications record, including peer-reviewed journal articles
• Research experience in developing countries
• Experience with research themes that are prioritized in SD2
• 10 years with minimum of 5 years postdoctoral experience
Skills and Competencies
• Skills in research design and quantitative and qualitative data analysis
• Strong track record in managing collaborative relationships with a range of partners, including the private sector, in the agricultural or natural resource management sectors
• Demonstrated fundraising and proposal writing experience 
• Familiarity with international agricultural and environmental research 
• Strong written and verbal communication skills, fluency in English and, ideally, French and/or Spanish
• Ability to flourish in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams
• Strong capacity to mentor young scientists/students
• Willingness to travel frequently internationally
Work experience10 - 15 years
Duty stationNairobi
Job SummaryThe Leader of Science Domain 2 will channel efforts towards creating and supporting high impact research that focuses on aspects of markets, value chain and business development, enabling business environments, production and enterprise economics and strengthening of rural livelihoods.
Leader of Science Domain 2 Leader of Science Domain 2 Reviewed by Unknown on 1:32:00 AM Rating: 5
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