Executive Director , Kimmage Development Studies Centre

Kimmage Development Studies Centre is seeking applications for the full-time post of Executive Director. Reporting to the Board, the Executive Director has overall responsibility for the strategic and day to day management of Kimmage DSC, and for further developing its academic and research programmes to ensure they remain relevant and fit for purpose in a rapidly changing environment.
For further details and a full job description of the post, please click here.


Candidates for this post should submit a letter of application and Curriculum Vitae tochairman@kimmagedsc.ie
The formal application should be marked for the attention of: The Chairman, Board of Directors, Kimmage Development Studies Centre, Kimmage Manor, Whitehall Road, Dublin 12, Ireland.
Closing date for applications: Friday 28th June 2013

Kimmage Development Studies Centre is an equal opportunities employer.
Executive Director , Kimmage Development Studies Centre Executive Director , Kimmage Development Studies Centre Reviewed by Unknown on 5:41:00 AM Rating: 5
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