Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) is a public institution established by an Act of Parliament NO.7 of 1986. By the Act COSTECH is mandated to promote and coordinate research; promote technology development transfer; acquire store and disseminate scientific and technological information to the general public, the overall objective of the mandate is to stimulate and promote social and economic development. The commission is undergoing remarkable modernization including structural changes and implementation of new and more attractive scheme of service and competitive salary structure. Due to this modernization and structural changes, the following positions are vacant and require to be filled as soon as possible.
Chief Research Officer (Health)
Report to:Director of Life Sciences
Position Purpose
The Chief Research Officer provides support to director of life science as regard to implementation of policy, plans, and procedure regarding coordination, promotion of science, technology and innovation in health for achievement of the Commissions goals and objectives.
Duties and Responsibilities
To coordinate and promote quality research in national priority areas at all levels in the health sector of the economy.
To undertake effective monitoring and evaluation of R&D activities.
To keep up to date inventory of national scientific activities, inputs, outputs, impacts, research equipment and research scientists in R&D institutions, academic, government and private sector.
To be abreast with new and emerging health researches, Technologies and Innovations and prepare strategies for acquiring adaptation and adaptation.
To mobilize resources to compliment support from the government for supporting STI activities in the, country.
Preferred Qualifications and skills
The successful candidate must have a PhD in health science with work experience of at least 5 years;
Must have published not less than 5 papers in accredited journals with demonstrated skills in research proposal review, monitoring and evaluation and project management;
Must have proven track records of 3 years of research projects.
Key Competencies
Ability to work independently with strong problem solving skills;
Excellent interpersonal and team building skills;
Good ability of mass data analysis and interpretation;
Good communication skills in writing and presentation;
Good project management skills;
Good leadership skills; and
Project management skills.
Salary Scale:COSS 13
Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Report to:Director General
Position Purpose: Provide and enlist support to the Director General in regard to transfer, adaptation assessment and choice of appropriate technology both local and imported technology within the framework of national, social, economic and political constraints technological need for utilization in different sector of the economy
Duties and Responsibilities
To act as Assistant Secretary to select R&D Committees of the Commission relevant to technology, innovation and entrepreneurship;
To identify within the framework of national, social, economic and political constraints technological needs for utilization in the different sectors of the economy;
Provide advice on 'matters pertaining to development of endogenous and indigenous technologies;
Formulating strategies and advising on the best ways of implementing and improving national policies on technology development;
Provide and enlist support to the Director General in regard to development, transfer, adaptation and choice of appropriate technology both local and imported within the framework of the national, social, economic and political environment; .
Promoting research and innovation in new and renewable sources of energy and taking charge of the Commission's energy research projects in the field;
Acquiring and analyzing information on alternative sources of technology and its delivery to users;
Maintaining an inventory of innovations, inventions and adaptations and undertaking a follow-up ofTASTA awards;
Formulating elaborate programmes and acting as a catalyst for the development, furtherance and commercialization of indigenous technologies;
Liaising and maintaining effective links with local and foreign technology centers and research institutions, with a view to attaining an optimum level of technology development in the country;
Identifying, within the framework of national, social, economic and political constraints, technological needs for utilization in the different sectors of the economy;
Undertaking an evaluation (technical, financial, economic, and legal) and selection of technologies with a view of developing a capacity of decision making in the area of science technology and innovation;
Playing a major role in the unpackaging of imported technology and innovation including the assessment of suitability of the technology as well as direct and indirect costs of importing technology and innovation or local development of such technology with a view of enhancing national competent in purchasing only selected components of technology and innovation;
Assisting institutions importing technology and innovation in the negotiation of contracts for the supply of technology/innovation with a view of securing favorable terms and conditions under which technology may be supplied;
Maintaining a databank of imported and local technology/innovation and of domestic technological/innovation resources and manpower, and undertaking a detailed analysis of their impact on national development
Providing training for technical personnel in technology and innovation aspects and in various fields of analysis of their impact on national development.
Preferred Qualifications and Skills
The successful candidate must hold PhD in Economics, Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Engineering or equivalent.
Must have published not less than 10 papers in recognized journal with demonstrate related work experience of at least 8 years ideally gained in a business environment where team work and flexibility were paramount;
Must have a good track and extensive experience in technology development and transfer in a reputable organization is desirable;
Must have a proven track records of 7 years of research in a business environment where team work' and flexibility were paramount and 5 year or more years of progressive management experience or demonstrated experience to compensate for lack of direct management experience.
Key Competencies
Leadership skills
Demonstrated excellence of report writing, presentation and communication;
Well informed about the current technological development in the world
Knowledge of Strategic management;
Ability to make decisions and solve problems; Demonstration of personal drive and self-motivation; Strong conceptual and analytical skills;
Creative and innovative thinker;
Proactive and professionally confident
 Ability to work without close supervision.
Salary Scale:COSS 14
Chief Research Officer (Technology Innovation Manager)
Report to:Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Position Purpose: The Chief Research Officer provides enlist support to director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in regard to implementation of policy, plans, and procedure regarding technology development and promotion, technology management and innovation for achievement of the social economic development of the country.
Duties and Responsibilities
Deal with all matters relating to development and transfer of technologies for urban and rural use including formulation and review of related policies;
Identify and document technology needs for various target groups (stakeholders) and prepare strategies and plans for intervention;
Mobilize resources by conceptualizing and developing programs/projects for soliciting internal and external fund;
Scout for new, emerging and imported technologies, identify recipients and set strategies for adoption and scaling purposes;
Popularize the use of environmentally friendly technologies;
To coordinate and promote technology innovation activities at all levels in the relevant clusters and fields/sectors of the economy;
To keep up to date inventory of technology innovations in R&D institutions, academic, government and private sector;
To be abreast with new and emerging technology innovation and prepare strategies for acquiring adaptation and adaptation;
To mobilize resources to compliment support from the government for supporting technology innovation activities in the country;
Any other duties as may be assigned by head of department.
Preferred Qualifications and skills
The successful candidate must have a PhD in Engineering, Economics, Sociology or related disciplines with work experience of at least 5 years.
Must have published not less than 10 papers in recognized journals with demonstrated skills in technology innovation activities, negotiation, and entrepreneurship
Must have proven track records of 3 years of innovation projects
Key Competencies
Ability to work independently with strong problem solving skills Excellent interpersonal and team building skills.
Strong conceptual and analytical skills;
Creative and innovative thinker;
Good project management skills and
Good leadership skills
Salary Scale:COSS 13
Principal Research Officer (Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist)
Report to:Director General
Job Purpose
To provide support to the Director General and substantive directors in monitoring and evaluation of allCOSTECH supported Research and Development Institutions and to ensure that all M & E activities in research and technology at COSTECH are successfully implemented.
Duties and Responsibilities
Lead the successful roll out and implementation of all design monitoring and evaluation (DME) related initiatives
To provide guidelines and standards for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all project.
Ensure that M&E related activities are successfully implemented and documented, disseminated to staff and used to inform future decisions.
Develop and promote the implementation and use of quality program monitoring framework (tools and processes) and reporting, formats and proposal review systems for all projects/ programs
Facilitate implementation of key capacity building practices towards monitoring and evaluation of progress in all projects/programs
Establish a comprehensive and an updated data base for all projects
Coordinate the preparation, review and posting of all project reports in COSTECH.
To provide strategic leadership in the collection, documentation and sharing of best practices for improvements in project program implementation.
To facilitate the evaluation and documentation of qualitative and quantitative performance measures at 3 months, 6 months and 1 year following completion of implementation.
Ensure appropriate Terms of Reference (ToR) for engaging qualified staff/ consultants to undertake projects and program assessments and baseline-, mid-tem-and end-term surveys.
Ensure that the assessment and evaluation tools are developed and that requisite sensitization and training of staff, stakeholders and partners.
To undertake any other duties as assigned.
Preferred Qualifications:
The successful candidate must hold PhD in Statistics, Economics, Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Cycle Management or related field;
Must have published not less than 7 papers in recognized journals
Must have experience of 5 years in M & E assignments.
Key Competencies
Demonstrated ability in data collection and analysis.
Must demonstrate good database management skills.
High level' of cross-sectoral sensitivity, good and clear understanding sensitivity to national development trends and issues are highly desirable:
Ability to work independently with strong problem solving skills;
Good communication skills in writing and presentation
Good understanding of M&E approaches
Principal Research Officer (Head of ICT Unit)
Report to:Director of Knowledge Management
Supervise:ICT officers
Job purpose: To provide and enlist support to the Director of Knowledge Management with regard to information systems, ICT infrastructure, the process of collection, processing, analyzing, storing, retrieving, disseminating scientific information on science, technology and innovation development to the general public for the achievement of Commissions goals and objectives
Duties and Responsibilities:
To provide strategic advice to the Director on the state of current technologies within the Telecom sector relevant to the ongoing strategic innovations of the government of Tanzania;
Develop technical specifications for strengthening COSTECH network infrastructure including IT Security infrastructure;
To conceptualize, establish and maintain robust and relevant information systems of benefit to the commission and the entire scientific community, nationally and internationally;
To facilitate with ICT tools the process of collection, processing, analyzing, storing, retrieving, disseminating scientific information appropriate to science, technology and innovations development to general public;
To spearhead the process of establishing national research and education network through national ICT broadband bandwidth and submarine fiber optic cable for high internet connectivity;
Promote conducive environment for the development of ICT service providers in the software and hardware industries and develop managerial depth and working relationship with the private sector in ICT incubators;
To investigate create and maintain systems aimed at improving communication and network among R&D institutions and also between Tanzania institutions and outside world such as simple courier services, electronic mail, radio calls, packet switched radio, satellite communication and computer network etc.
To analyze and design computer systems which will enable performance of both moderate and complex operations as well as large scale problem solving within and outside COSTECH.
To ensure optimum utilization of available ICT resources;
To ensure system security, control, maintenance and its efficiency;
To cooperate with national and international research and development institutions and data centers for the purpose of collecting and exchanging science and technology information;
To undertake any other duties as assigned.
Preferred Qualifications and Skills
PhD in Information Technology, Computer Science, Telecommunication Engineering, Software Engineering and information systems;
Knowledge of new and emerging ICTs in particular as circumscribed by the Internet.
Must have published not less than 7 papers in recognized journals;
 Must have 5 years of experience in ICT management and or related field.
Key Competencies
Strong influencing/negotiation skills;
Excellent written and verbal communication skills; knowledge of business and technology trends.
Strong interpersonal/relationship management skills.
Current understanding of ICT opportunities and risks.
Salary Scale:COSS 12
Principal Research Officer (Business Development Manager)
Report to:Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Job Purpose
To provides enlist support to the Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and supervising researchers with regard to implementation of policy, plans, and procedure regarding development and entrepreneurial opportunities in technology and innovation for the achievement of the Commissions goals and objectives.
Duties and Responsibilities
Deal with all matters relating to business development;
Assist innovators/inventors on issues related to commercialization of their inventions/innovations and maintain close contact with them;
Mobilize resources by conceptualizing and developing business development plans;
To initiate, develop and execute business development programs;
To coordinate and facilitate the business development, for the identified technologies to commercialization level;
To produce monthly, quarterly and annual business development reports for compilation into the Commissions monthly, quarterly and annual reports;
Any other duties as may be assigned by the Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Preferred Qualifications and Skills
PhD holders in Economics, Commerce or Entrepreneurship with a work experience of at least 5 years in a related field in a Research or Academic Institution.
Must have published not less than 7 papers in recognized journals
Must have proven track records of 3 years of entrepreneurial work.
Key Competencies
Ability to work independently with strong problem solving skills;
Excellent interpersonal and team building skills;
Demonstration of personal drive and self-motivation;
Strong conceptual and analytical skills.
Creative and innovative thinker and
Demonstrated entrepreneurial mind set.
Salary Scale:COSS 12

Application Instructions:
Send a cover letter and a detailed CV with copies of your academic and professional certificates and testimonials with names of three referees to
Only Shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Deadline for applications is 18/6/2013 at 3:30 pm
Applicants are requested to indicate their telephone and fax numbers and email addresses for easy contact
Director General,
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology
P.O. Box 4302
Dar es Salaam
COSTECH JOBS JUNE 2013 COSTECH JOBS JUNE 2013 Reviewed by Unknown on 4:39:00 AM Rating: 5
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