LVBC - Communications and Development Awareness Officer


Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) is a specialized Institution of the East African Community (EAC) established by the EAC Partner States through a negotiated Protocol for Sustainable Development of Lake Victoria Basin. The broad functions of LVBC are to promote, facilitate and coordinate activities of different actors towards sustainable development and management of natural resources of the Lake Victoria Basin.

LVBC Secretariat therefore hereby invites applications from suitably qualified citizens of the East African Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) for the following vacancy position, in respect with the quota system.


Title of the Position: Communications and Development Awareness Officer
Grade: P2
Reports to: Deputy Executive Secretary (Finance &Administration)
Duration of Contract: 5 Years renewable once
Station: LVBC Secretariat Headquarters, Kisumu, Kenya

Main Purpose of the Job

The main purpose of this job is to plan and execute communication and outreach activities at the Lake Victoria Basin Commission.

Duties and Responsibilities

i. Take lead of the overall communication and awareness Development at LVBC Secretariat;
ii. Initiate and coordinate the interactions with Partner States and Development Partners for implementation of the Management information system for the LVBC in general; 
iii. Take lead in implementation of the LVBC communication strategy to promote the LVBC mandate through information sharing among the LVB key stakeholders;
iv. Coordinate production of quarterly newsletters to provide an update on LVBC implementation to each target group for publication, website and email alerts and feedback loop; 
v. Plan and execute strategic publication of LVBC issues/activities/outputs in International and East African Partner States media, as well as international and African high-profile conferences and workshops; 
vi. Actively participate in the management of the LVBC database and website to ensure it contains appropriate documentation in consultation with key partners; 
vii. Supervise the development and production of press releases, articles, interviews and publications, and promote and disseminate these to specific target groups and to the media; 
viii. Identifying and maintaining contacts with organizations involved in communication and public awareness in order to develop agreements for cooperation and further develop and maintain the network of journalists; 
ix. Maintain regular contact with printers, designers, text writers, journalists and other relevant groups; 
x. Follow up on implementation of decisions of the Council of Ministers related to Communications aspects; 
xi. Promote a positive corporate culture and image of the LVBC and the EAC; 
xii. Carry out any other duties as shall be assigned by the Executive Secretary or Deputy Executive Secretary. 

Qualifications and Experience

i. A post graduate degree (Masters) in Journalism, International Relations, Communications or other related fields;
ii. A minimum of 7 years of experience in working on communications issues of which 3 years must be at senior management level; 
iii. Experience with working in a multicultural and multinational environment; 
iv. Experience in preparation, design and production of the full range of communications material for publication; 
v. Excellent Information Communications Technology skills: including proficiency with main office software and knowledge of databases management and information systems and Internet tools; 
vi. Experience with the media, coupled with strong writing and editing skills and ability to work in a team. 
vii. Fluency in English. 

Remuneration and Fringe Benefits: Dependent on the EAC Professional staff scale with corresponding benefits specified for them.

Age Limit: The candidate must not be more than 54 years old.


Application accompanied by a detailed CV, copies of certificates, names and addresses of three reputable referees, contact details (e -mail, telephone) should be sent to the undersigned. Applications may be sent by post office, deposited at LVBC Secretariat Office at the address below, or by email in word or PDF at All applications must be submitted no later than 5th June 2013.

The Executive Secretary,
Lake Victoria Basin Commission Secretariat,
P. O. Box 1510, 40100
Kisumu, Kenya.
Tel +254 57 202 387/894
Fax +254 27 202 6324

The East African Community is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates are encouraged to apply. We shall only respond to those candidates who strictly meet the set requirements.
LVBC - Communications and Development Awareness Officer LVBC - Communications and Development Awareness Officer Reviewed by Unknown on 2:01:00 AM Rating: 5
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