Theso Project Coordinators

Position: Project Coordinators
Location: Various, South Sudan
Responsible to: Programme Manager
Responsible for: All field staff in particular project site
Duration: ASAP for 12 months
Location: TBC Start Date: ASAP
Salary: $ 21, 888 - $25, 560 per annum (dependant on relevant experience), inclusive of annual Cost of Living Allowance
Benefits: Insurance cover, accommodation, R&R and annual leave entitlement of 21 days per annum rising to 28 days at the completion of 12 months of continuous employment with THESO. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Due to the urgency of this position, applications will be shortlisted on a regular basis and we may offer this post before the closing date. Please note: this is an unaccompanied position
The Health Support Organization is a leading registered South Sudanese humanitarian nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering in the world’s poorest places. THESO respond with health and Nutrition care and WASH services, when people are overwhelmed by natural disaster, conflict or disease(s) and in need of immediate help. We focus on alleviating the sufferings of those who are beyond the reach of existing health, nutrition and WASH services. After the immediate crisis, THESO stays on to assist recovery. Using our expertise, we support health workers and strengthen existing health services. We build resilience by helping societies at risk of future disasters, to be better prepared.
We believe that everyone has the right to access and utilize free health, nutrition, and WASH services. We believe good health is fundamental to transforming societies in transition that’s why THESO is A Force for Health.
Context and Background
The goal of THESO mission is to address the humanitarian needs resulting from widespread displacement of the population caught up in conflict and natural disaster and incapacity of the local system to meet the needs both in emergency, transitional and developmental context. Over two million people are now thought to have been displaced since the commencement of hostilities in the South Sudan region, many of whom continue to be in acute need of emergency assistance. Seasonal rains & food shortages due to interruptions of agricultural cycles further exacerbate these needs. Developments at the peace process level have initiated population returns in certain areas, while other areas continue to experience displacement. In addition, the capacity of the national system is heavily disrupted due to long-term conflict that has led to the host community being underserved/underserved in essential health, nutrition and WASH services.
THESO has been working in South Sudan since late 2005, and currently runs 4 field project offices across South Sudan. However, the five years strategic plan (2012 – 2016) includes expansion of its programme within the current four states and into other parts of South Sudan and internationally, deepen its working relationship with host governments partners at all levels, develop gradual exit strategy to allow the smooth transfer of specific responsibilities to government line ministries, and support affected people with emergency response, recovery and resilience programme. The primary focus of THESO programme is primary health care and community based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) and Water and Sanitation Hygiene. The special emphasis is given to maternal and child health care services. The programme strategy includes establishment of static and outreach clinics in the IDP camps and underserved rural areas to ensure access to essential care and building local capacity through a community based outreach component and engage with government line ministries at State and Locality levels in regards to collaboration, coordination and technical support supervision.
The new 2016 strategic plan allows THESO to integrate emergency response with early recovery and building resilience and expand country programme portfolio in South Sudan and internationally. In 2011, THESO plans to be operational in four states to be able to provide improved primary health care services to IDPs, returnees and host communities in the selected locations to consolidate programme quality, improve the community involvement in the programme planning and implementation through a revised community based approach, capacity building of national staffs and strengthen the capacity of local systems by increased engagement with the renowned partnership with government line ministries in regards to support, supervision, training and policy development.
Main purpose of the role
The Project Coordinator will assume overall responsibility for implementing projects focussed on Health System Strengthening and the provision of a basic package of health and nutrition care. This will focus on strengthening of referral systems between health facilities, community mobilisation and key message delivery in hygiene and infant and young child feeding practices, and will have a significant training aspect.
The main responsibilities are as set out below.
Operational Management
• Ensure collaborative stakeholder management including involving the relevant authorities in the planning and implementation of THESO’s activities
• Be responsible for the effective and efficient management of the project consistent with the project management cycle and compliant with THESO procedures, systems and guidelines
• Establish and implement project monitoring and evaluation plans
• Ensure key project metrics are met, including core indicators and targets.
• Provide regular written and verbal reports to the Management Team on project progress and issues
• Prepare high-quality and timely donor reports
• Line manage the Area Coordinator and Logistician and ensure effective management of national staff
• Optimize the use of human, logistical, and financial resources
• Monitor the evolving humanitarian situation and consider immediate and strategic responses in line with THESO International and Country Strategy.
• Contribute to preparing plans, proposals, and budgets for project extensions
• Responsible for the effective and efficient management of on-going project activities in line with THESO project management cycle procedures, systems and guidelines
• Ensure effective HR management for all project staff through the use of job descriptions, monthly planning and appraisal processes.
• Ensure that supplies needed by the projects are properly managed in collaboration with medical storekeeper and logistics staff
• Support the process of joint assessment, planning and supervision between the local health authorities and THESO
• Participate in the writing of timely and accurate donor proposals and reports in collaboration with the Medical coordinator
• Prepare and write timely and accurate monthly activity reports for inclusion in the monthly situation report submitted to the Health & Nutrition Coordinator in Juba
Security The Project Coordinator has responsibility for security in the field site including:
• Managing day-to-day security of the field team and liaising with the security focal point briefing all project staff on arrival in the field on the security context and its implications monitoring the political, military and security situation in all project areas and respond accordingly
• Establishing security guidelines in working areas in collaboration with the security focal point and keep these up to date and ensure adherence by all project staff
• Providing timely verbal and written security incident reports to the Programme Director
• Attending security meetings and maintain regular contact with other actors (e.g. OCHA, military) in the field Logistics/Finance/Administration
• Ensure all projects adhere to THESO’s systems and procedures
• Ensure that project implementation meets donor compliance requirements
• Responsible for budgetary control and overall financial management at the project site, including maintaining oversight of expenses and procurement, stock utilization and use of assets
• Ensure that the programme complies with all legal and bureaucratic requirements in RSS.
Human Resource Management
• Maintain good team communication, engender good team dynamics and take remedial action when problems occur.
• Support team members professionally and monitor and support stress management
• Conduct and document regular team meetings for planning and reporting purposes.
• Carry out appraisals according to THESO’s Human Resource procedures
• Ensure all new team members are adequately briefed on arrival in the field, and departing team members are debriefed.
• Maintain up-to-date job descriptions for international staff and prepare and maintain job descriptions for national staff
• Assume overall responsibility for national staff selection, recruitment, and disciplinary procedures and assist with recruitment of expatriate staff in project area.
• Be responsible for capacity development and training of national personnel
• Plan national and international staff requirements and liaise with the Management Team Representation
• Represent THESO to donors, authorities, (I) NGOs and other parties as necessary.
• Ensure all relevant parties are kept informed of THESO activities as appropriate (e.g. donors, health authorities etc.)
• Be the project’s contact with press and media when requested under approval of the Executive Director
• Ensure THESO leadership Role in the Health, Nutrition, and WASH Sub-cluster by effectively coordinating health activities including Emergency Response Plans, Immunization campaigns, Health Education/sensitization, in collaboration with local Health Authorities
• Ensure integration of health activities in the overall humanitarian effort in the region, through effective cross sector coordination
• Promote THESO Global and Country Strategy and accountability system, ensuring service quality and availability
• Monitor the humanitarian situation and Identify opportunities for project thematic and geographic expansion
Provide coverage for other posts when needed and carry out any other responsibilities as requested by the Programme Manager
Person Specification Essential Qualifications, experience and competences
• Strong project management skills and knowledge of appropriate project management tools
• Previous field humanitarian experience in a management role
• Security management experience in an unstable environment
• Experience of conducting needs assessments and project development
• Experience of financial and administrative management
• Strong communication skills with a high-level of spoken and written English & French
• Knowledge of project management tools (Logical Framework analysis, project cycle management, indicators etc.)
• Confident and proficient in the use of MS Office
• Experience of a flexible approach to managing and prioritising a high workload and multiple tasks in a fast paced environment with tight deadlines
• Good team worker, able to live and work closely with a team under pressure
• Ability to work under stressful conditions in an isolated area
• Experience of establishing strong working relationships with colleagues from different functions and cultures
• Leadership skills and a supportive management style
• Good training/capacity building and management skills.
• Willing to work in an insecure environment.
• Ability to work on own initiative.
• Experience of proactively identifying and addressing issues
• An understanding of and commitment to THESO’s mission and values Desirable Qualifications, experience and competences
• Medical Doctor/ Clinical Officer/ Nurse with 3-5 years experience with INGO(s) and a strong interest in basic curative and preventative health care
• Working experience in the region
• A strong interest in community participation
• Experience in the health sector (Research, advocacy, etc)
• Qualification (Masters) in Public Health
How to apply:
How to Apply Interested applicant should send her/his CV with covering letter and supporting documents addressing it to the Human Resource Manager, The Health Support Organisation Email: jobs@thesoworld.orgcopying
THESO is an equal opportunity employer and women candidates are encouraged to apply
NB: Only shortlisted applicants shall be contacted for interviews.
Theso Project Coordinators Theso Project Coordinators Reviewed by Unknown on 3:34:00 AM Rating: 5
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