Actuarial Technician , PPF Pensions Fund

Nature and Scope
PPF Pensions Fund was established under the PPF Pensions Fund Act No. 05 of, 2912 and its main objective is to provide pensions and other related terminal benefits for all employees of the formal and informal sectors.
The Fund vision is to be a model provider of comprehensive social security I services and its mission is to provide quality pensions, allied benefits and other social security services to members through utilization of dedicated human capital and modern technology with high degree of accuracy and promptness. .
The Fund Management seeks for applicants who are committed, highly motivated, qualified candidates, result driven professions and proven track record with high degree of integrity and should also be able to work independently.
The available positions together with their specific requirements are as follows:
Expected Duties
The expected candidates will be required to accomplish the following duties:-
To analyze Fund data and advice on financial stability of the Fund.
Perform competitive analysis and valuations and advice on benefits that may be offered by the Fund
Develop various actuarial and statistical models to assist in Asset Liability management
To advise on issues such as the selection of investment or the administration of pensions and benefits;
To examine irregularities in membership data monitor membership data to ensure completeness and accuracy for actuarial valuations,
Performing financial forecasting and trend analysis
To review past actuarial report and advice on the best way to deal with discrepancy;
To review statistical information, insurance plans, annuity plans, pension plans, contracts and company policies.
To coordinate implementation of issues cited on the past actuarial report; To review the emerging experience of the Fund including investment policy and returns, salary increases, in service mortality, disability, accident, retirement and other factors affecting the financial position of the Fund; Preparing regulatory reporting requirements
Oversee the collection Of statistical data and handling other duties required for the actuarial valuations.
To carry out any other lawful work related duties as assigned by supervisor.
Qualifications, Experience and attribute
The ideal candidate should be a holder of Degree in Actuarial Science or its equivalent from a recognized institution, meeting the International Accounting Association minimum standards and served in a relevant field for at least five years work experience.

Application Instructions:
The successful candidates will be offered attractive and competitive remuneration packages consistent with PPF Pensions Fund Remuneration Scheme.
Actuarial Technician , PPF Pensions Fund Actuarial Technician , PPF Pensions Fund Reviewed by Unknown on 2:45:00 AM Rating: 5
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