PPF Pensions Fund JOBS JUNE 2013

Nature and Scope
PPF Pensions Fund was established under the PPF Pensions Fund Act No. 05 of, 2912 and its main objective is to provide pensions and other related terminal benefits for all employees of the formal and informal sectors.
The Fund vision is to be a model provider of comprehensive social security I services and its mission is to provide quality pensions, allied benefits and other social security services to members through utilization of dedicated human capital and modern technology with high degree of accuracy and promptness. .
The Fund Management seeks for applicants who are committed, highly motivated, qualified candidates, result driven professions and proven track record with high degree of integrity and should also be able to work independently.
The available positions together with their specific requirements are as follows:

Civil Engineer

Expected Duties
The expected candidates will be required to accomplish the following duties:-
To monitor and evaluate construction of work;
To undertake structure and civil engineer designs for minor works;
To attend site meetings;
To supervise various maintenance works;
To supervise performance of various project consultants and provide technical information;
To review interim certificates and recommend for payment;
To participate in Fund tender evaluation process for consultancy and construction work;
To provide inputs for preparation of the annual budget for projects;
To prepare projects implementations plan;
To carry out site inspections;
To carry out any other lawful work related duties as assigned by supervisor.
Qualifications, Experience and Attribute
The ideal candidate should be a holder of Degree in Civil Engineering or its equivalent plus five years experience in the field must be registered with a relevant professional Engineering Board and must be computer literate.
Actuarial Technician
Expected Duties
The expected candidates will be required to accomplish the following duties:-
To analyze Fund data and advice on financial stability of the Fund.
Perform competitive analysis and valuations and advice on benefits that may be offered by the Fund
Develop various actuarial and statistical models to assist in Asset Liability management
To advise on issues such as the selection of investment or the administration of pensions and benefits;
To examine irregularities in membership data monitor membership data to ensure completeness and accuracy for actuarial valuations,
Performing financial forecasting and trend analysis
To review past actuarial report and advice on the best way to deal with discrepancy;
To review statistical information, insurance plans, annuity plans, pension plans, contracts and company policies.
To coordinate implementation of issues cited on the past actuarial report; To review the emerging experience of the Fund including investment policy and returns, salary increases, in service mortality, disability, accident, retirement and other factors affecting the financial position of the Fund; Preparing regulatory reporting requirements
Oversee the collection Of statistical data and handling other duties required for the actuarial valuations.
To carry out any other lawful work related duties as assigned by supervisor.
Qualifications, Experience and attribute
The ideal candidate should be a holder of Degree in Actuarial Science or its equivalent from a recognized institution, meeting the International Accounting Association minimum standards and served in a relevant field for at least five years work experience.
Driver cum Office Assistant Grade IV (Five Post HQ, zone)
Expected Duties
Shall be responsible for handling and driving Fund pool vehicle assigned;
Distributes mails, cheques and other documents to different places;
Movement of documents and files;
Shall ensure that the Fund vehicle and its accessories are in good and safe working condition before and after making any trip so as to identify any defects;
May carry out minor repairs on the vehicle assigned to him provided in so doing it shall by no means cause more detriment to such vehicle;
Shall keep and maintain a log book of his/her vehicle as required by the Fund
Transport regulations;
Maintains accurate, up-to-date records on trip sheets, customer transportation forms, vehicle maintenance, fuel purchases, incident reports, accident reports, vehicle condition reports and other records that are requested from management;
Reads and interprets driving directions to plan the most efficient route service for customers;
Fuels the assigned vehicle;
Presents safety briefing to passengers prior to each trip departure;
Keeps the assigned vehicle(s) clean inside and outside;
To carry out any other lawful work related duties as assigned by supervisor.
Qualifications, Experience and Attribute
The ideal candidate should be a holder of Form N, Class "C" Driving License coupled with three years accident free proven experience. In addition the candidate must have Trade Test Grade III Certificate in one of the following subjects _ Motor Vehicle Driving, Motor Vehicle Mechanics or Auto Electrician and must be computer literate.
Compliance Officer Grade II 
Expected Duties
The expected candidates will be required to accomplish the following duties:-
To develop and Implement the compliance management process including compliance plan.
Coordinating the review and identification of regulatory compliance risk and recommending mitigationsto minimize the risk.
Assists in the development of risk assessments with respect to the Regulatory Compliance Program
Monitor compliance on all regulatory requirements and internal policies, procedures and guidelines including testing effectiveness on adherence to regulations and established policies with the objective to ensure that the Fund is observing such requirements at all time.
Following up on new laws, regulations, guidelines and circulars issued from time to time –that are applicable to the Fund and coordinate the review in updating the Fund's policies and procedures based on regulatory changes, and examinations by regulatory agencies
Advising Management on applicable laws, rules and standards and keeping them informed on new development in the area.
Reviewing all legal, regulatory and internal requirements and bring into the attention of Management on any issue that its compliance will negatively ( affect the Fund's operations
Coordinate the implementation of new regulations or changes to existing regulations by raising awareness to affected business units
Coordinate all Funds' examination process by gathering files, records, and other pertinent information for review by bank examiners.
Assisting various divisions of the Fund in adherence to relevant laws and regulations by conducting training in relation to regulatory compliance requirements at all levels of Fund employees.
Preparation of compliance and other related reports, reviews and dissemination of Compliance findings and recommendations of appropriate corrective action
Assist with ensuring corrective action is taken on any noted deficiencies. Maintaining a database of all regulatory penalties and warnings issued by the regulators across the Group.
Coordinating the follow up and/or clarifications with regulators on all matters relating to regulatory compliance
To carry out any other lawful work related duties as assigned by supervisor.
Qualifications, Experience and Attribute
The ideal candidate should be a holder of Degree in Insurance, Risk Management, Finance, Business Administration, Law, Economics, B.com or its equivalent from a recognized institution coupled with at least two years work experience in relevant field.
Risk Manager
Expected Duties
The expected candidates will be required to accomplish the following duties:-   
To coordinate risk management activities by working with business units to ensure that all Fund risks including that could threaten the attainment of strategic Objectives, regulatory compliance, member recruitment, collection of contribution investment and member claim processing, members records management, financial reporting and IT risks have been identified, assessed, controlled and continuously monitored
To implement an integrated Fund-wide framework for measuring and monitoring all aspects of risk across the Fund. These risks include solvency (capital), liquidity, credit, currency, market (position), and interest rate, counterparty (strategic and legal risk;
To implement a set of risk measurements and reports including losses, incidents, key risk exposures and early warnings indicators;
To improve the Fund's risk management readiness through communication and training programs
To review business process to identify risks and gaps in controls and continuously update risk registers
To develop risk mitigation strategies for the Fund's critical risks and monitoring these risks;
To developed risk technologies including management information system to support the risk management program;
To keep up-to-date with new risk management techniques and thinking;
To conduct staff, management activities, supervision, appraisal, coaching and training needs assessment;
To carry out any other lawful work related duties as assigned by supervisor.
Qualifications, Experience and Attribute
The ideal candidate should be a holder of Masters Degree or Post Graduate Diploma in Risk and Risk Management with CII, Finance, Business Administration, Economics or its equivalent from a recognized institution j and has served in a relevant field for at least five years work experience in a senior Risk Management or similar role.

Application Instructions:
The successful candidates will be offered attractive and competitive remuneration packages consistent with PPF Pensions Fund Remuneration Scheme.

Candidates are advised to provide their curriculum vitae by filling in appropriate information and apply" for the job in the system through the following Website http://www.ppftz.org/recruitment/index.php

Applications should be submitted not later than 14 June, 2013. ) Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

PPF Pensions Fund JOBS JUNE 2013 PPF Pensions Fund JOBS JUNE 2013 Reviewed by Unknown on 2:37:00 AM Rating: 5
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