Program Coordinator (P3) EAC/LVBC

The East African Community (EAC) through the Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC) Secretariat is coordinating the implementation of the Lake Victoria Water Supply and Sanitation Program Phase II (LVWATSAN II). This program is being implemented in all the five EAC Partner States for a period of four years.

The program contributes towards the attainment of the shared Vision for the management and development of the Lake Victoria Basin through strengthening of the regional and national institutions for governance of transboundary resources in the Basin; and contributes to the improvement of the livelihoods and health of communities in the basin, through the reversal of pollution of the lake and through improvements in sustainable water supply and sanitation infrastructure.

The EAC/LVBC has received funding for the implementation of LVWATSAN II from African Development Fund (ADF) and LVBC Secretariat intends to apply part of the funds to recruit a Program Coordinator (P3).

LVBC Secretariat therefore hereby invites applications from suitably qualified citizens of the East African Community (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda) for the following vacancy position:

REF: EAC/LVBC/HR/LVWATSAN/11-12/02 – Program Coordinator P3 (1 Post)

Job Title : Program Coordinator (P3)
Reports to : Deputy Executive Secretary Projects and Programs
Organ/Institution: Lake Victoria Basin Commission
Duration of Contract: 3 Years, on 1- Year Contracts, Renewable on yearly basis subject to
Satisfactory Performance
Station: LVBC Secretariat Headquarters, Kisumu, Kenya

Main Purpose of the Job

The main purpose of this job is to manage, coordinate and supervise the program activities so as to ensure smooth implementation of the LVWATSAN II Program activities in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB).

Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of the Program Coordinator for LVWATSAN II are as follows:

i. Overall regional coordination and supervision of the program activities and reporting;

ii. Responsible for planning and for the day-to-day management of the program operations at the regional level and for implementing policies and work plans;


iii. Coordinate and facilitate the participation of all relevant actors in various activities that require their input
iv. Establish collaboration with key stakeholder institutions in the Basin to improve protection and management of Water and Sanitation in the Focal Towns;
v. Convene and conduct meetings of the steering committee and Focal Point/Country Representatives as necessary;

vi. Organize and hold workshops with stakeholders for assessment of Program Progress, Best Practices, Challenges and Mitigations/Interventions;

vii. Coordinate the preparation and submission of Reports from Partner States, Consolidate and send to the Bank for information, records and/or comments;

viii. Conduct Regular Project inspections for assessment of Progress;

ix. Consolidate Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual Reports and submit to the Bank;

x. Prepare Tender documents for various program activities, evaluate the bids and make recommendations on selection;
xi. Supervise and coordinate works and/or services undertaken at regional level

xii. Receive reports from Consultants, review and provide feedback

xiii. Prepare disbursement applications to the Bank for replenishment of special account of the regional office;

xiv. Plan harmonized project implementation schedules and work plans and budget for the regional aspects of the program;
xv. Prepare and maintain appropriate records of program progress, grant funds and counterpart funding
xvi. Ensure the implementation of strategies for information dissemination and feedback on the project activities to end users and /or stakeholders;

xvii. Work with Bank (AfDB) and the Partner States during Program Reviews that involve meetings, site inspections and report writings to ensure successful missions of the Bank;
xviii. Ensure that regional auditors are engaged in time for timely production of report(s) and opinion(s), for submission to the Bank as stipulated in the Program Appraisal Report
xix. Promote a positive corporate culture and image of the LVBC and the EAC; and

xx. Any other duties as shall be assigned by the Executive Secretary.


I. Education

At least a Master’s degree in civil engineering, hydraulics/urban sanitation, hydrology, hydrogeology, water supply and sanitation or in a related area of specialization from a recognized University.

II. Work Experience

i. At least 10 years working experience in urban and community water and sanitation programmes, of which 5 years should be at Senior Management Level

ii. Practical skills in designing and supervision of urban and community projects. Skills should be specifically on:

a. Feasibility Studies on Water and Sanitation
b. Design and Supervision on Water Reservoirs and pans, intakes, transmission pipelines, treatment processes, storage and distribution

c. Sanitation Facilities design and construction;
iii. Thorough knowledge on water sector and environmental policies the region


iv. Skills to evaluate technical designs, drawings, installation processes and commissioning of newly installed equipment
v. Experience in leading projects and teams to implement the projects within scheduled timeframes and budgets
vi. Registered Engineer with Engineers Registration Board
vii. Proven and demonstrated good knowledge of program area
viii. Experience on working with Development Agencies

Skills and Competencies

i. Computer literate and have excellent working skills in MS Project, Excel, AutoCAD and Internet

ii Good interpersonal skills, ability to work in a multicultural, multi-ethnic environment and to

maintain effective working relations with people of different nationality and cultural backgrounds
iii. Excellent Team player and interpersonal skills

iv. Excellent communication and analytical skills

v. Dynamic, innovative and able to work with minimal supervision

Remuneration and Fringe Benefits

The job is at EAC P3 scale with corresponding benefits specified for it.

Age Limit

The candidate must not be more than 54 years old.

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit their applications by registered mail, courier service, e-mail or dispatch together with Curriculum Vitae, copies of both academic and professional certificates and testimonials, names and addresses of three referees, and day time telephone contact to:

The Executive Secretary,

Lake Victoria Basin Commission Secretariat,

P. O. Box 1510-40100 Kisumu, Kenya.

Tel +254 57 202 6344

Fax +254 27 202 6324


To be received not later than 12th July 2012

The EAC is an equal opportunity employer. Female candidates are encouraged to apply. LVBC Secretariat shall only respond to those candidates who strictly meet the set requirements
Program Coordinator (P3) EAC/LVBC Program Coordinator (P3) EAC/LVBC Reviewed by Unknown on 9:05:00 AM Rating: 5

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