Project Manager - HSNP Social Protection Rights Component

Department: Programmes – Social Protection
Location: Nairobi, Kenya with regular travel to northern Kenya

Responsible To: Regional Social Protection Manager
Responsible for: Social Protection Rights Coordinator

Relations with Others: HelpAge International Social Protection team, EWCARDC staff, Social Protection Rights Coordinator, Assistant Social Protection Rights Coordinator in Lodwar, Administrative team in Lodwar HSNP Secretariat Partners in areas of operation, Donors especially DFID and AusAid

Organization Background

HelpAge International is a global network of not-for-profit organisations with a vision of a world where older people fulfill their potential to lead active, dignified, healthy and secure lives.

With more than 70 affiliates and 300 partners across more than 50 countries the HelpAge International network brings together hundreds of organisations worldwide.

HelpAge International has a secretariat with offices in London and Brussels, five regional centres in Africa, Asia/Pacific, Latin America, the Caribbean and Central Asia, seven national programmes and a number of emergencies.

Background to the HSNP

The Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP) is a long term social protection programme in Kenya funded by UKaid from the Department for international Development, AusAID and in partnership with the ministry for Development OF Northern Kenya and other Arid Lands.

The aim is to reduce extreme poverty; vulnerability and hunger and also develop a national social protection framework in Kenya. The programmes aims to achieve its objectives by delivering long-term guaranteed cash transfers to extremely poor and vulnerable households to improve access to food protect assets and reduce the impact of shocks.

HelpAge is one of the consultants that was mandated to deliver the social protection rights component in the just completed phase 1 of the HSNP programme and has been contracted to deliver the social protection rights component in phase 2 which will run from 2012 to 2017.

The programme is being implemented in Wajir, Mandera, Marsabit and Turkana districts with HelpAge’s role in the programme being to promote the realization of rights of programme beneficiaries and the rights of the wider communities in all the four counties.

It is expected that HelpAge will work with government institutions and other stakeholders to realise its objectives and ultimately handover its responsibilities to the government to ensure a sustainable rights based grievance mechanism.

Overall Job Purpose

The post-holder will be responsible for management of HSNP Social Protection Rights project in Northern Kenya.

  1. Project management of the HSNP SPR component including Contract Management, coordination of field teams and financial management
  2. On-going design and documentation of the HSNP’s complaints, appeals, referrals and dispute resolution mechanisms.
  3. Effective Production of high quality and timely quarterly narrative and financial reports for the HSNP Secretariat.
  4. Management of a risk-based grievance mechanism and leadership of evidence-based beneficiary advocacy within the HSNP.
  5. Responsibility for management of HSNP project staff in Lodwar and EWCARDC office
  6. Coordination of the SPR component’s M&E exercise and contribution to the HSNP’s and HelpAge’s learning objectives.
  7. Management of the HSNP SPR component’s Management Information System (MIS).
  8. Coordination and capacity building of HelpAge’s implementing partners in northern Kenya.
  9. Development of high quality communications materials to support programme implementation. This to include piloting innovative methodologies in partnership with HelpAge’s implementing partners.
  10. Monitoring of project activities and ensuring contract deliverables are met and donor and management reports are accurate and timely;
  11. Donor liaison and relationship building with all stakeholders
  12. Manage project expenditures by ensuring budget is strictly adhered to, financial procedures are observed and all supporting documents are provided
  13. Representation of HelpAge on the HSNP’s multi-agency national programme management team.
  14. Translate project objectives to support the wider social protection agenda and HelpAge strategic objectives
  15. Participate in annual planning activities and coordinate with other staff on developing internal programme linkages, sharing learning and documentation of good practices.
  16. Undertake any other duties as and when necessary to fulfil the objectives of the HSNP SPR component according to donor requirements and HelpAge’s internal policies and procedures.
Person Specification:
  • The following criteria are considered as essential:
  • Bachelor’s degree in Social sciences or Development Studies with a post graduate qualification in Project Planning and Management
  • At least 5 years experience in management of complex programmes/projects and at least 7 years working in an NGO environment.
  • Experience in budget and financial management including managing funds from major donors e.g. DFID Understanding of the social protection policy agenda in Africa
  • Experience in operational management, including distance management of field staff.
  • Experience in capacity building and working with civil society-based organisations.
  • Knowledge of cash transfers and social pension practices in Kenya
  • Excellent report writing, analytical and data interpretation skills
  • Strong team working and negotiation skills.
  • Ability to show initiative, innovativeness and to work under pressure. Ability to travel to northern Kenya frequently
  • Excellent communication skills
In addition, the following will are considered desirable:
  • Experience in cash-based interventions;
  • Some experience in the design or management of complaints mechanisms and/or dispute resolution.
  • Experience in a rights based project/programme
To apply, please send an updated CV and covering letter by 6 July, 2012, explaining how you meet the criteria for the role to:

Regional Human Resources Coordinator
HelpAge International
East, West and CentralAfrica Regional Development Centre,
P.O. Box 14888 – 00800
Westlands, Nairobi

These are National Positions
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
HelpAge International is an Equal Opportunities Employer
Project Manager - HSNP Social Protection Rights Component Project Manager - HSNP Social Protection Rights Component Reviewed by Unknown on 4:52:00 AM Rating: 5

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