We are an International Organization with operations and offices in most major towns in Kenya.

We have vacancies for the positions listed below which we need to fill with the appropriate candidates.


1. Assistant Administration Officer

Qualification at University or College level in relevant field. Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (word, Outlook,Excel,Visio, Powerpoint).

The ideal candidate should have experience in General HR Procedures, accountancy. Previous role as either a Personal assistant or senior secretary will be an added advantage.

He / she should have the following; good organizing and leadership qualities. Ability to communicate well, both written and verbal and have good report writing capabilities, Value, support and support other’s.

2. Customer Accounts Clerk

Qualification at University or College level in relevant field. Extensive knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite (word, Outlook,Excel,Visio, Powerpoint).

The ideal candidate should have experience in customer care, Sales and Marketing.

He / she should have the following; operate a courteous telephone manner, manage client’s accounts

Keep accurate records of potential customers.

Ability to communicate well, both written and verbal.

3. Quality Assurance / Quality Control Officer

Relevant technical qualification in engineering or related fields.

The ideal candidate should have good technical knowledge, skills and experience in field operations and able to work unsupervised.

Previous experience in a cargo/fleet tracking company will be an added advantage.

Ideal candidate should be a vehicle mechanic/electrician..

4. Control Room Operator

Applicants should have College training in IT and or related field.

Previous experience in a cargo/fleet tracking company is desirable.

He / she should have the following; good organizing and leadership qualities.

Ability to communicate well, both written and verbal and maintain, suppo and promote ethical and professional values, gather, analyze and use information and evidence from different sources.

5. Logistics Officer

Relevant technical qualification in logistics or related fields.

The ideal candidate should have good technical knowledge, skills and experience in field operations, stock control and fleet management.

Previous experience in a cargo/fleet tracking company will be an added advantage.

Ability to communicate well, both written and verbal.

6. PDA Operator

Technical qualification in relevant field such as IT or Other related fields.

The ideal candidate should have good technical knowledge, skills and experience in field operations.

Able to work long hours and at odd times.

Able to work with minimum supervision and have good report writing skills

Ability to communicate well, both written and verbal.

Other qualifications for all candidates
All applicants should be persons that are honest, ethical and of high integrity and be performance oriented and sensitive to set deadlines, able to think and plan strategically, able to work long hours and odd times and be ready to be deployed anywhere in Kenya.

All must be good team players and also capable of developing and nurturing team spirit in others.
Applicants must be Kenyan female/male citizens and be physically fit.

Work Station
The positions are open in Mombasa & Nairobi at present but may become tenable in other Kenyan Towns.

Terms of Employment

Terms are commensurate with qualifications and experience but in line with budgetary guidelines.

Send your application by e-mail attaching your CV, Academic and Professional Certificates & current salary by e-mail to not later than 6th July 2012. Provide your day time telephone number.
JOBS IN MOMBASA JUNE 2012 JOBS IN MOMBASA JUNE 2012 Reviewed by Unknown on 4:34:00 AM Rating: 5

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