Programme Officer – Learning and Information

Grade: NS2
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Department: Programmes

Reporting to: Project Manager - HSNP
Contract: 12 months with possible extension

Key relations: Social Protection Manager, HSNP SPR Manager, Advocacy Team, Programme Officer, Regional Development Centre staff

Organization Background

HelpAge International is a global network of not-for-profit organisations with a vision of a world where older people fulfill their potential to lead active, dignified, healthy and secure lives.

With more than 70 affiliates and 300 partners across more than 50 countries the HelpAge International network brings together hundreds of organisations worldwide. HelpAge International has a secretariat with offices in London and Brussels, five regional centres in Africa, Asia/Pacific, Latin America, the Caribbean and Central Asia, seven national programmes and a number of emergencies.

Background to the HSNP

The Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP) is a major joint GoK/DFID initiative that seeks to reduce extreme poverty in Kenya and support the establishment of a government-led national social protection system delivering long-term, guaranteed cash transfers to extremely poor and vulnerable people to improve access to food, protect assets and reduce the impact of shocks.

The HSNP programme was to be implemented in two phases. The objective of now completed Phase I (April 2007 - March 2012) was to design and pilot cost-effective mechanisms for beneficiary targeting, payment delivery and grievance management in four districts (Turkana, Marsabit, Mandera and Wajir).

Phase II (2012-2017) is expected to roll out the mechanism developed in Phase I, along with the processes for payments and grievance management, to 150,000 households.

Overall purpose of the Job:

The incumbent will provide support to the execution of the programme by managing data and information collected from the field sites and disseminating it to various stakeholders, developing learning components and documenting good practices in accordance with the plans, budgets and terms and conditions of the contract and to contribute to HSNP and Social Protection as a whole.

Job content and Key Tasks
  1. To ensure up to date collection of data and capture of data on the MIS
  2. Define and refine the data collection tools to ensure regular accurate and up to date data collection
  3. To analyse data and play a key role in the compilation of donor reports
  4. To ensure that HelpAge MIS has all data and the data is accurate and all authorised stakeholders have access.
  5. To identify learning opportunities, develop and disseminate information on key lessons learnt from the programme to DFID,HSNP managing consultants ,HelpAge network and other stakeholders
  6. Preparation and compilation of various documents and reports on the project
  7. Prepare briefing materials for site visit teams and consultants;
  8. Monitor the progress of implementation of the learning strategy developed
  9. Liaise with the M&E Coordinator to ensure accurate data for learning, advocacy work and preparation of reports
  10. Assist the HSNP Manager and Social Protection Coordinators in tracking the status of project implementation in regard to advocacy, data disaggregation, learning and sharing, grievance management;
  11. Maintain the SPR MIS database and ensure the data entry meets quality and accuracy standards
  12. Support the learning and advocacy initiatives of the HSNP by ensuring that partners include learning and advocacy in the designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of grievance Mechanism put in place.
  13. Be involved in the organization of training and other events organized at the EWCARDC;
  14. Participate in the activities of the East, West and Central Africa Regional Development Centre;
  15. Conduct training for data officers and ensure data officers have the capacity to effectively utilise the MIS system
  16. To undertake any other duties as assigned by the management.
Person Specification
  • Essential Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following fields: social sciences, Information technology, information management, relational database design and development, statistics 3 years work experience with an NGO, with at least one year in a Learning and information management role
  • Excellent data collection, processing, analysis, interpretation and management using various database software and such as Microsoft Excel, SAS, SPSS among others.
  • Knowledge of data quality measurements and analysis methodology and reporting tools.
  • Excellent communication/interactive skills and must function well independently, as well as part of the team.
  • Ability to work with people from different professional background.
  • Experience in compiling, producing and disseminating information
  • Fluent spoken and written English Excellent statistical, numerical and analytical skills
  • Ability and willingness to be administratively self supporting
  • Ability and willingness to travel nationally as required
  • Knowledge and interest of ageing preferred
  • Familiarity with Social Protection, international development.
To apply, please send an updated CV and covering letter by 6 July, 2012, explaining how you meet the criteria for the role to:

Regional Human Resources Coordinator
HelpAge International
East, West and CentralAfrica Regional Development Centre,
P.O. Box 14888 – 00800
Westlands, Nairobi

These are National Positions
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
HelpAge International is an Equal Opportunities Employer
Programme Officer – Learning and Information Programme Officer – Learning and Information Reviewed by Unknown on 4:51:00 AM Rating: 5

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