Formulation of a Kenyatta National Hospital Strategic Plan for 2012-2017

Request for Expression of Interest

Formulation of a Strategic Plan for 2012-2017
Kenyatta National Hospital is the largest teaching and referral hospital in East and Central Africa and is placed at the apex of the healthcare services in Kenya.

The mandate of the hospital is to provide specialized health care as a referral facility, provide facilities for training of health professionals, research and to participate in national health planning and policy development.

It offers quality health care to patients not only from Kenya but also from the great lakes countries, the horn of Africa, Central and Southern Africa.

The Hospital has set its vision to be a world class hospital in the provision of innovative and specialized healthcare.
In order to achieve its objectives effectively, the Hospital is desirous of developing a new five year Strategic Plan 2012-2017 as a link between its activities/programmes with national policies and strategies as well as provide leverage for the world class impetus. The desired strategic plan will be based on the Balanced Scorecard that will provide the framework for a strategic planning monitoring and evaluation system.
Kenyatta National Hospital now invites Expressions of Interest from eligible consultants to facilitate the formulation of the Strategic Plan 2012-2017.
Selection Criteria

1. Provide your Company profile giving background, organization structure and key management and technical team of consultants proposed for this assignment that must have post graduate MBA or equivalent qualification in Strategic Management from recognized universities and copies of certificates to be attached.
2. Evidence of professional certification on the Balanced Scorecard framework by a reputable certification body.
3. Evidence of at least five similar strategic planning consultancy assignments undertaken in the last three years for large organizations.
4. Attach financial statements audited by a reputable firm for the last two years.
5. Attach Tax compliance certificate, company registration certificate and PIN certificate.

Interested and eligible firms are invited to provide a comprehensive statement of capability for similar services/or goods as required by KNH.
Eligible firms are allowed to submit their “Expression of interest to:
Chief Executive Officer
Kenyatta National Hospi8tal
P. O. Box 20723 -00202
To be deposited in the tender box situated at the entrance of the administration block ground floor not later than 9th July, 2012 at 10.00 a.m. The expression of interest will be opened immediately thereafter in the presence of bidders representatives who choose to attend.
Formulation of a Kenyatta National Hospital Strategic Plan for 2012-2017 Formulation of a Kenyatta National Hospital Strategic Plan for 2012-2017 Reviewed by Unknown on 9:53:00 AM Rating: 5

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