Mitchell Group Kenya , Communications Advisor

The Mitchell Group, Inc. (TMG), an international development consulting firm based in Washington, DC, is currently seeking expressions of interest from qualified consultants for an upcoming USAID/East Africa project to provide qualitative, quantitative and analytical information to support USAID/Kenya in making informed program management decisions.

Background & Objectives

The purpose of the project is to provide support to the Government of Kenya and other development partners who are supporting USAID/Kenya overall goals.

The USAID/Kenya program covers a wide range of activities under the following assistance programs: Health, Population and HIV/AIDS; Basic Education; Youth; Governing Justly and Democratically; and Economic Growth, Environment and Natural Resources Management.

Communications Advisor

The Nairobi-based, full time Communications Advisor will provide Information Dissemination and Public Education services.

He/she must be a native American English Speaker, and must have:

  • A graduate degree in the field of communication, journalism, international development or a related field, or a bachelor's degree and 5 years' experience in addition to the required minimums.

  • At least 5 years of international experience in strategic communications, public relations, or communications for development.

  • Demonstrated experience producing written products such as articles, reports, fact sheets, proposals, speeches, success stories, press releases, web site content, Facebook and YouTube content, managing VIP visits, and/or coordinating press relations and press seminars.

How to apply:

Interested and qualified candidates should send their

  • Current CV/resume
  • A brief cover letter
  • Completed and signed AID1420 Biodata sheet form

to, In the subject line, please indicate the position to which you are applying. CV/resumes will be reviewed as they are received, early application is encouraged. No phone calls please.

Mitchell Group Kenya , Communications Advisor Mitchell Group  Kenya , Communications Advisor Reviewed by Unknown on 4:51:00 AM Rating: 5

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