FANIKISHA Institutional Strengthening Project

Call for Expression of Interest from Kenyan
Institutional Strengthening Service Providers
The FANIKISHA Institutional Strengthening project is a five-year cooperative agreement (2011-2016), funded by USAID/Kenya and implemented by Management Sciences for Health (MSH), Pact Inc., Danya International, and the Regional AIDS Training Network (RATN).

FANIKISHA is currently working to strengthen the institutional capacity of six national level Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and their affiliates to empower them to play a more strategic role in working with the Government of Kenya and other stakeholders to deliver effective health services at the community level.
FANIKISHA has established an Institutional Strengthening Marketplace where CSOs are able to initiate business and establish contacts necessary to improve their institutional capacity.

The Institutional Strengthening Marketplace is a combination of a digital interface along with face-to-face events where qualified Kenyan institutional strengthening service providers and CSO customers meet to familiarize, engage and transact business relating to institutional strengthening in a quality-assured business environment.
FANIKISHA, therefore, invites expressions of interest from potential local individual and corporate institutional strengthening service providers in the following organizational functional areas:
1. Organizational planning and resource mobilization;
2. Communication, information and records management;
3. Project management;
4. Advocacy, networking and alliance building; and
5. Grants and sub-grants management.
Successful institutional strengthening service providers will guarantee quality services by complying with the CSO institutional strengthening standards which are currently being developed.

They also get the opportunity to deliver institutional strengthening services to the six national CSOs and affiliates as the CSOs use their mentored grants to directly procure these services and products from the Marketplace.

The qualified providers will be included in a directory of institutional service providers to be circulated extensively by FANIKISHA to potential CSO buyers beyond the six national CSOs and their affiliates.
All institutional strengthening service providers intending to submit the EOI should send an email with the subject title – IS Service Provider EOI [vendor name] to with a copy to for additional information and the application templates.

Applicants can express interest in more than one institutional strengthening area.

Application deadline is 5 p.m. on 13th July 2012.
FANIKISHA Institutional Strengthening Project FANIKISHA Institutional Strengthening Project Reviewed by Unknown on 9:44:00 AM Rating: 5

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