Agricultural Finance Corporation Vacancies June 2012

The Agricultural Finance Corporation (AFC) is a Development Finance Institution (DFI), whose mandate is to offer short, medium and long-term finance to the agricultural community.

The Corporation invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for Consultancy Services as below:-
1. AFC/EOI/2/2011-2012 – Carrying out a Baseline Survey on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Expected Output
(i) understand the problem of alcohol and drug abuse amongst AFC employees;
(ii) establish the prevalence of different drugs and substances of abuse amongst AFC employees;
(iii) document the level of drug and substance abuse among AFC employees;
(iv) analyse AFC’s capacity in addressing drug and substance abuse among its employees at the workplace;
(v) propose an effective strategy for addressing the challenge of drug and substance abuse at the workplace.
2. AFC/EOI/2/2012 – Carrying out a Baseline Survey on Gender Mainstreaming
Expected Output
(i) establish the presence of gender discrimination in AFC;
(ii) establish the gender gap in AFC in all levels, i.e. top, middle & lower management levels;
3. AFC/EOI/2/2012 – Carrying out a Baseline Survey on Persons with Disability
Expected Output
(i) establish the presence of persons with disability in AFC, i.e. has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities;
(ii) Understand whether one has a record of such impairment;
(iii) Establish whether one is regarded as having such impairment (even in the absence of an actual disability);
(iv) Establish the presence of discrimination against persons with disability in AFC.
The assignment for the surveys will cover full time employees of the AFC, both at headquarters and field operation levels across the country.
Eligible Consultancy firms with relevant experience are invited to express their interest for provision of the above mentioned consultancy services.

The bids from interested and reputable firms should include but not limited to the following:-
  • Cover letter submitting the expression of interest
  • Copy of registration certificate
  • Copy of valid tax compliance certificate (will be verified)
  • Pin number (copy)
  • VAT number (copy)
  • Profile of the firm detailing the following:-
- Firms background
- Technical and Managerial competencies to undertake the consultancy services
- Names and qualifications of key personnel to be deployed to carry out the assignment
- Demonstrated experience in similar assignments
- Copies of audited accounts for the last three (3) years
The firm should not be insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or in the process of being wound-up and should not be a subject of legal proceedings. It should not be limited or disqualified under any of the provisions of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2005 and Public Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2006.
The Corporation will evaluate and prepare a shortlist of firms to whom requests for proposal (RFP) will be sent.

All participants will be provided with feedback after the evaluation.
The expression of interest (EOI) should be delivered in a plain sealed envelope clearly marked “EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR PROVISION OF CONSULTANCY SERVICES - AFC/EOI/
2/2012” and addressed to:-
Managing Director
Agricultural Finance Corporation
Development house, 7th Floor
P. O Box 30367 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 020-3272000/317199
Or deposited in the Tender Box at our Headquarters, Development House, 7th Floor, Moi Avenue
Nairobi, so as to reach us on or before Thursday, 12th July, 2012 at 12.00 noon.

The Expression of Interest (EOI) will be opened thereafter in the presence of applicants or their representatives who choose to attend at Development House, Conference Room, located on 3rd Floor, on the same day.
The list of the shortlisted firms will be maintained in the Agricultural Finance Corporation Database but will not constitute contractual obligation with any party.
Agricultural Finance Corporation Vacancies June 2012 Agricultural Finance Corporation Vacancies June 2012 Reviewed by Unknown on 4:44:00 AM Rating: 5

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