Civil Service Expert, Good Governance in Georgia Project, Tbilisi, Georgia

Project/Proposal Summary: 

The USAID Good Governance in Georgia (G3) Program is generally tasked to improve transparency and accountability at all levels of government in Georgia, thereby reducing opportunities for corruption. It is expected to strengthen citizens’ abilities to combat corruption and put into place stronger mechanisms that prevent opportunities for corruption to develop.

Position Summary: 

Under National Government Component, G3 promotes improved public administration by advancing public sector reform in targeted governmental institutions and by promoting policy dialogue related to key government reforms, including transparency of government, inter-government systems, communication and civil service reform. Project activities promote enhanced transparency in the executive branch, increase skills of public officials, and provide technical assistance on civil service reform. G3 has conducted a variety of trainings for civil servants, assisted with the preparation of a draft human resource manual, and is preparing to launch a series of trainings for develop capacity of up to 3,000 civil servants in collaboration with the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

G3 is in the process of contracting a local organization to establish a civil service advisory group (CSAG), research past and current civil service reform concepts, engage diverse stakeholders in effective dialogue on civil service reform through a series of debates and focus groups and synthesize the output in a new and comprehensive civil service concept for Georgia, with an associated operational strategy. The objective of this assignment is to assemble international best practices, research current and past attempts to reform civil service in Georgia, and explore current policy directions and priorities to document the new vision for civil service that incorporates all elements of a comprehensive civil service. 


For a maximum total of 53 LOE days, the Civil Service Expert, together with a G3’s contracted local organization, NATO Liaison Office, and other donors/organization will perform the following activities:

• Conduct interviews with select think tanks, research institutes, civil society organizations, Civil Service Bureau and independent experts as well as past and present GoG officials to engage in the analysis of past and current written concepts of civil service reform in Georgia;
• Study materials related to Civil Service in Georgia including the “white paper” on civil service that documents past and current concepts for reform. The “white paper” will present a balanced approach to key issues of civil service reform in Georgia developed by G3 and its contracted local organization;
• Co-facilitate Focus groups using a representative sample of different target groups drawn from current civil servants. This will entail collecting information on reform of civil service based on input by civil servants drawn from different levels of civil servants to represent a broad spectrum;
• Coach and mentor the G3 contracted local company in preparation of the Analytical Report on the past and current civil service reform that takes into consideration current civil service context;
• Engage with the work of the civil service advisory group (CSAG) organized by the G3 contracted local company for delivery of the newly formulated civil service concept for Georgia. This will take place through interaction with representatives of Parliament, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance and Civil Service Bureau, among others;
• Provide input drawing on other country experience to CSAG on a regular basis. This might entail developing proposals for specific elements or dimensions of civil service. The proposals would be presented to the CSAG and feed into the process to create a new civil service concept. 
• Together with the G3 contracted local company conduct one/two full-day workshops/roundtables on establishing a new civil service concept using the “white paper” and documentation from the output of the focus groups as a basis of dialogue on civil service reform. Workshop participants will include senior representatives of GoG, including Parliament, Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Justice, Civil Service Bureau, Civil Society, Academic Experts, among others;
• In partnership with the G3 contracted local company develop an outline and draft civil service concept that will incorporate recommendations related to organizational restructuring, human resources management, capacity development, motivation mechanisms, participatory governance, transparency and anti-corruption. The document will have the framework and guiding principles related to these and other keys areas of civil service reform. The draft concept of civil service reform will be shared with civil society, GoG and Parliament.


• 10 years of experience in civil service policy field, including practical experience of implementing reforms in civil service;
• Experience in organizational restructuring, human resources management, capacity development and participatory governance, transparency and anti-corruption;
• Experience with technical assistance projects in Central and Eastern European countries is desirable.

Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.

To apply, please visit our website:
Civil Service Expert, Good Governance in Georgia Project, Tbilisi, Georgia Civil Service Expert, Good Governance in Georgia Project, Tbilisi, Georgia Reviewed by Unknown on 8:38:00 AM Rating: 5
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