Executive Director , Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PAN ITA)

Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PAN ITA) is a growing and dynamic civil society platform for Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) with over 280 members located in all regions of Tanzania. PANITA was registered in April, 2013 as a not for profit company limited by guarantee and not having shared capital. The partnership has a mission of advancing advocacy efforts and implementing nutrition interventions through strengthening the capacity, increasing mobilization and coordination of CSOs, private sector organizations, the media and other development partners to facilitate a more effective national and local response to malnutrition. PANITA collaborates with the Government of Tanzania in Scaling Up Nutrition movement. PAN ITA was created through technical and financial support from Save the Children International (SCI), UNICEF and Irish Aid. It is hosted at SCI's office premises in Dar es Salaam.
PAN ITA is looking for enthusiastic, motivated and result oriented leaders with a strong commitment to promotion of nutritional issues to take the positions of:
The role of the Executive Directorwill be to lead the development of PANITA, a multi-funded Civil Society Network for nutrition in Tanzania to deliver its objectives. The Executive Director will provide strategic direction and ensure positioning and influence of PAN ITA as a platform nationally and globally in the Scaling up Nutrition Movement.
The right candidate will be a strong leader with proven experience in building and strategically leading a coalition of CSO members from across the country, demonstrated experience in setting up newly established organisation and developing necessary policies and frameworks, demonstrated fundraising skills, strong programme management, strategic planning and organizational skills, considerable and demonstrable experience in high level advocacy, policy development and influence with excellent oral and written communications skills and advanced level of university education. Experience and technical knowledge of nutrition is desirable.

Application Instructions:
The right candidate will be a strong team player with proven experience in coalition building, proven understanding of nutrition and food security developments in Tanzania, considerable and demonstrable experience in nutrition policy development and influence with excellent oral and written communications skills, strong organizational skills, ability to handle multiple activities, ability toorganise own work efficiently, prioritise tasks, and deliver tasks to deadlines. The right candidate will be a holder of the first degree level qualification in nutrition, social sciences, or development. Masters degree is an added advantage.

Recruitment process is organized by Save the Children. For more details and to apply for the position please send an "e-mail to the Human Resources Department of Save the Children in Tanzania atTanzania.jobs@savethechildren.org
to request for the Job Profile and a Save the Children Job Application Form.

ONLY return the completed Job Application Form by e-mail to: Tanzania.Cd@savethechiidren.org.
Area: Dar Es Salaam
Application Deadline: Jun 28, 2013
Executive Director , Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PAN ITA) Executive Director , Partnership for Nutrition in Tanzania (PAN ITA) Reviewed by Unknown on 3:31:00 AM Rating: 5
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