National Experts are required for ADB Funded
“Climate Adaptation through Sub-Basin Development Project in Chennai”

Location: Chennai.                                        
Project Duration: 8 Months
Tentative Commencement of Project: July 2013

We are looking for the following experts to take part in the above project in Full time / Intermittent basis;

Service Input required
Deputy Team Leader / Institutional Specialist
8.0 (Full time)
2.0 months spread in 8 months
Procurement Specialist
1.0 months spread in 8 months
Hydraulic Modelers (2)
4.0 months spread in 8 months 
Decision Support System Specialist
2.0 months spread in 8 months
Civil Engineer
4.0 months spread in 8 months
Groundwater Modeler
3.0 months spread in 8 months
Flood/Drainage/Hydraulic/Coastal Structure Specialist
6.0 months spread in 8 months
GIS Specialist
2.0 months spread in 8 months
Agriculture Specialist
2.0 months spread in 8 months
Aquaculture Specialist
1.0 months spread in 8 months
Financial Analyst
2.0 months spread in 8 months
Social/Resettlement/Gender Specialist
5.0 months spread in 8 months
Environment Specialist
2.0 months spread in 8 months

1)      Deputy Team Leader / Institutional Specialist (8 person-months, Full time):
The expert will have professional experience in analyzing and diagnosing institutional strengthening preferably in water resources/irrigation/drainage sector. The expert will undertake the following tasks after Project familiarization:
  • Take coordinating role of Team Leader in the latter’s absence.
  • Prepare MFF investment plan with inventorying of proposed flood management, institutional and agricultural interventions.
  • Undertake sector water resources institutional sector analysis following diagnostic analysis approach including establishing the institutional and program context for this project and its linkages with other National and State level initiatives.
  • Recommend: (a) appropriate institutional structure of Project implementation for flood management, and, (b) project design and arrangements to strengthen WUAs including resource requirements and task list.
  • Review the institutional structure and arrangements governing the project area and recommend improvements based on: (a) current structure and capabilities (skills, responsibilities and resources); (b) IWRM principles; (c) needs to address and manage impacts of climate change; (d) special needs of the delta region, specifically the conjunctive relationships between meteorology, surface water, groundwater, coastal management, and land-use; (e) effective maintenance requirements; (f) budget needs and availability; and (g) the empowerment, strengthening and participation of WUA’s to manage and effectively maintain their drainage systems.
  • Identify and recommend suitable capacity and awareness programs that will support and facilitate the proposed above changes.  The fore-mentioned recommendations will be based on the context of the wider regional and national institutional arrangements including recommendations of other ongoing programs.   

2)      Hydrologist (2 person-months, intermittent):
Will haveprofessionalexperience in carrying hydrological analyses and modeling in tropical and cyclone affected areas.  The experts will undertake the following tasks:
  • Collect and review the outputs from the climate change specialists which will include present and future rainfall depths for various durations and design storm events.
  • Use the extreme data to develop storm profiles for the Vennar system based predominant historic observed storm events or suitable alternative methods.
  • Develop, calibrate and use a rainfall-runoff model to simulate inflows to: (a) the flood management hydraulic model in liaison with the flood management and hydraulic modeling specialists; and (b) the water balance model in liaison with the Agriculturalist.
  • Provide recommendations for suitable interventions that benefit flood management, improving water-use efficiency, and groundwater recharge.
  • Assess the current hydro-meteorological network, associated institutions, and ongoing improvement programs within the Sub-basin and recommend: (a) measures to modernize current data collection, processing and storage practices; (b) improve the capacity and structure of existing institutions; and, (c) support the development of the DSS.

3)      Procurement Specialist (1 person-month, intermittent):
The expert will have in-depth familiarity in the procurement systems of multilateral development banks, and have practical experience in preparing and processing relevant documents. Experience in training of staff of the executing agencies of the MDB-assisted projects will be taken as an advantage. The expert will undertake the following tasks.
  • Undertake procurement assessment of the EA, including the existing procurement systems of the State. Assess if there are any capacity, procedural and organizational constraints that may affect effective Project implementation, and recommend an action plan with the EA to address these constraints.
  • Assess the procurement risk and put in place appropriate review and supervision processes and thresholds to mitigate those risks.
  • Prepare procurement plan for Project-1, and assist and advise on the preparation process of the procurement documents and materials in line with the requirement of the State and for ADB financing.
  • Undertake seminars on the relevant guidelines on procurement and engagement of consultants and NGOs. 

4)      Hydraulic Modelers (4 person-months, intermittent):
 Will have professional experience in developing complex unsteady state 1D floodplain hydraulic models.  The international specialist may also be the Hydrologist.  The experts will undertake the following tasks:
  • Collect and review available data (hydrological, topographical, structural and coastal), and determine the geographical extents and channels to be included within the hydraulic model based on the drainage layout of the Vennar System, its upstream tributaries, and known flood prone areas. The extent of the model must be sufficiently flexible to allow for changes to develop and assess proposed interventions during the course of the study.  The boundary conditions will be provided by the hydrologists and climate change specialists however, liaising with the Hydraulic Structures Specialist the modelers must assess the current and future flood diversion capacities of the Upper and Grand Anicuts, and other upstream diversion structures, to account for any non-diverted flood flow within the hydraulic model.
  • Develop a 1D-2D hydraulic model  of the drainage system and associated floodplains. Then calibrate the model using available historical records and observations.
  • Use the model to develop interventions to a feasibility level.  The “with” and “without intervention” cases shall be assessed with the present and future climate scenarios and the 1 in 2, 5 10, 50 and 100-year design storm events.  The modelers must account for the coincidence of extreme rainfall and sea level events; and also address current practices communities and PWD use for opening the beach outlets during times of high flows and any impacts on the functionality of the drainage system.  The model shall also be used to analyze the benefits and impacts of interventions, including a do-nothing case which will be considered the base-case for comparative and economic appraisals.
  • To ensure robustness of the proposed interventions, the modeling must include appropriate sensitivity analyses allowing for variability within the climate change scenarios, hydrological models, channel roughness, and downstream controls.

5)      Decision Support System Specialist (2 person-months, intermittent):
Will have professional experience in hydro-meteorological data collection, processing and storage systems, hydrological and hydraulic modeling, and developing decision support systems.
  • Assessing available climate, hydro-meteorological, groundwater and sea-level data in the basin area and assessing its quality and usefulness for use in the DSS;
  • Assessing previous and ongoing data collection, management and modeling initiatives within the State of Tamil Nadu to ensure effective integration of the recommendations proposed under this Program.
  • With stakeholder participation identify the likely decision making requirements appropriate to the needs of the basin;
  • Undertaking a stakeholder assessment for capabilities and requirements to maintain, operate and manage the DSS and recommend capacity development programs if necessary.
  • Preparing the TOR for development of a Decision Support System (DSS) that will be carried out during Project-1.

6)      Civil Engineer (4 person-months, intermittent):
Will haveprofessionalexperience in designing and preparing cost estimates for hydraulic structures and drainage systems.  The expert will assist with preparing preliminary designs and costs of recommended interventions, and provide quality assurance during the preparation of detailed design reports (DPRs) and associated procurement packages for Project-1 subprojects.

7)      Groundwater Modeler (3 person-months, intermittent)
Will haveprofessionalexperience in developing groundwater models in coastal areas to assess the causes and impacts of groundwater depletion and salinization.  The experts will undertake the following tasks:
  • Collect available data of the geology of the project area, aquifer formations, groundwater levels and flows, groundwater quality and abstractions in the project area, and analyse this data to understand the processes that are causing saline intrusion within the project area.
  • Develop a representative 2-D model within the project area to provide quantitative analysis of groundwater quantity and quality under various scenarios (both climate change and interventions identified by this project).
  • Use the model to recommend indicative sustainable abstraction rates on a regional basis under various scenarios of proposed interventions.
  • Review existing groundwater recharge initiatives in the project area, recommend improvements where necessary, and recommend sites in the Vennar System for up-scaling.  Opportunities for groundwater recharge sites may include but not be limited to existing and proposed flood retention areas and upstream of tail-end regulators.  Prepare a feasibility study for additional groundwater recharge interventions and recommend an appropriate monitoring and evaluating program.
  • Recommend requirements for more comprehensive 3-D groundwater model for the project area including input data requirements, software, consultant scope of works, implementation schedule, costs and discuss how the model can be used for: (a) the DSS; and, (b) effective IWRM including planning future structural, non-structural and land-use management interventions.

8)      Flood/Drainage/Hydraulic/Coastal Structure Specialist (6 person-months, intermittent):
Will haveprofessionalexperience in the planning and design of large scale open water course controlled drainage systems and hydraulic structures. The national expert will have experience in sustainable coastal management. The experts will undertake the following tasks:
  • In participation with PWD, prepare drainage design guidelines to assist with climate proofing the Cauvery Delta’s drainage system including recommending appropriate design standards taking into account existing standards and design procedures.
  • Assess the existing drainage of the Vennar System and its upstream tributaries, its problems, past studies and recommendations and prepare feasibility studies of interventions to alleviate routine flooding. 
  • Assess the flood diversion capacity of upstream flood control structures including the Upper and Grand Anicuts for both the existing and future scenarios.
  • Prepare feasibility studies for new and rehabilitated tail-end regulators to: (a) prevent seawater ingress in the drainage system and neighboring productive land; and, (b) store un-used freshwater for lift irrigation and groundwater recharge.  The location of new tail-end regulators shall be identified with participation of PWD and local farming and aquaculture communities, and shall consider the impacts of the structure and retained freshwater on neighboring productive land.
  • Prepare feasibility studies of other recommended drainage structures including but not limited to regulators, control and diversion structures, flood embankments, ponds and tanks, and emergency drainage channels. 
  • Assess existing lift irrigation schemes in the Vennar System and prepare feasibility studies for maximizing pumping capacities during flood events in order to minimize downstream flood levels.  Also, prepare feasibility studies for using or enhancing existing ponds and tanks (and those proposed under this project including formalized flood retention areas) as bulk water storage for irrigation during dry periods, including: (a) preliminary design of the storage systems and conveyance channels to the command areas including both gravity and pumped systems; (b) operation requirements; and, (c) opportunities for ownership and management by local farmer co-operatives.

9)      GIS Specialist (2 person-months, intermittent):
Will haveprofessionalexperience in using international GIS software, developing GIS databases, and using GIS to prepare maps.  The expert will:
  • Gather all available and relevant spatial data related to the project area and river basin including topographical data, land-use data, soils and geological data, and any other relevant data to the project, and develop a GIS database for this information.
  • Support the Hydraulic Modeling Specialists by preparing flood maps based on the outputs of the hydraulic modeling.
  • Support the Economist using the flood maps to assess potential benefits.

10)   Agriculture Specialist (2 person-months, intermittent):
The experts will have professional experience in planning and implementing irrigated agriculture development programs, including field based technology demonstration and dissemination, value chain development including market linkage development and action-oriented researches for new technologies. Experience in options to promote higher crop per drop is highly preferred. The experts will undertake the following tasks.
  • Develop an appropriate water balance model to quantitatively assess the feasibility and benefits of proposed water-use efficiency interventions. 
  • Support the Project Economist with establishing benchmarks on cropping intensity and productivity and also with identifying current seasonal agriculture practices in the project area.
  • Recommend water efficiency initiatives through conjunctive use of surface and groundwater for water supply and irrigation needs and propose trials areas and monitoring and evaluation systems.
  • Recommend modifications to existing cropping schedules to minimize overall scheme water demands, maximize water-use efficiencies and reduce non-beneficial evaporation and discharge to saline bodies.
  • Explore and assess exhaustively options for more “crop per drop” crop diversification initiatives including switching cultivation to less water-consuming crops or crop-strains with shorter growing seasons, or suited for cooler and drier seasons, including SRI direct seeded rice, saline-resistant rice-strains, and other agriculture technologies such as micro irrigation, including the perspectives of enhancing climate change resilience.
  • Assess present system of market and extension information systems, and propose any measures to be considered in project areas in promoting crop diversification to maximize water demand efficiencies.
  • Assess the overall impacts on current land-uses and livelihoods within the project area and provide recommendations on how possible adaption interventions could improve the incomes of local communities particularly with respect to future changes in available water resources, crops, fisheries and aquaculture.

11)   Aquaculture Specialist (1 person-months, intermittent):
The expert will have professional experience environmental science/engineering degree in environmental science/engineering or any related degree. S/he will have at least 8 years of experience in conducting environmental assessments. 
  • Review existing guidelines and practices of aquaculture development in the project area and identify current issues related to aquaculture, in particular shrimp farming. Recommend improvements where necessary to support possible up-scaling of operations where saline-affect land is identified as no longer suitable for agricultural practices.
  • Prepare guidelines on required conditions (such as soil, water quality, in particular where abandoned saline agricultural lands are to be used) for the sustainable establishment of aquaculture farms that do not impact on adjacent agricultural activities;
  • Together with the Environment Specialist determine the environmental risks of increasing aquaculture farming on the environment and other agricultural practices and provide guidelines on site selection, determine areas most suitable for aquaculture farming to be considered in the river basin plan;
  • With the Agricultural Specialist and Economist, assess the economic viability of expanding aquaculture development in the area and together with the social development specialist assess the social impact of the proposed expansion.
  • Recommend measures for: (a) improvement of production and marketing of aquaculture products both locally and further afield; and (b) improvement to supply chains of aquaculture equipment and consumables; and, (c) external assistance and financial incentives for supporting sustainable development and growth of the industry.

12)   Financial Analyst (2 person-months, intermittent):
The expert will have professional experience in undertaking economic sector assessment of flood management, agriculture development, as well as economic and financial analyses of irrigated agriculture development projects, including baseline surveys. Experience in externally assisted programs will be taken as advantage. The expert will undertake the following tasks.
  • Support the Economist in preparing financial analyses of proposed interventions in coordination with the team members for Project-1 feasibility studies. 
  • Undertake financial management assessment (FMA) of the EA and any implementing agencies and recommend necessary capacity building programs. Prepare a financial management manual for Project-1. Consideration should be given to (a) the design of the funds flow and disbursement mechanisms for the ensuing project, based on FMA of executing/implementing agencies, and (b) identification of any further capacity building (financial management and ADB’s disbursement procedures) that will be necessary for the project, based on the results of the FMA.
  • Assist the Economist in preparing detailed costing of the Program (MFF and Project-1).
13)   Social/Resettlement/Gender Specialist (5 person-months, intermittent):
The expert will have a post graduate qualification in a relevant social science. S/he will have at least 15 years of work experience in the design and implementation of resettlement action plans and in gender sensitive, participatory rural appraisal for community development. S/he will act as principal adviser to the Government and the TA Team on resettlement, socio-economic analysis and development of a gender mainstreamed, pro-poor approach to the Program. S/he will also ensure that the organizations, policies and investments being developed in the proposed loan are socially sound, responding to both gender equitable and sustainable considerations and in accordance with ADB’s policies on Involuntary Resettlement (Safeguards Policy Statement 2009) and Gender.
  • The consultant will prepare documentation required to meet ADB SPS and national regulations for Involuntary Resettlement. For a project implemented under MFF modality, a Resettlement Framework (RF) is required to provide guidance on screening and categorization, assessment, planning, institutional arrangements, and processes to be followed for subprojects and/or components that are prepared after the ADB approval. For Project-1, a draft Resettlement Plan will be prepared on the basis of stakeholder consultation, social profile, institutional assessment and an analysis of likely project impacts.

14)   Environment Specialist (2 person-months, intermittent):
The expert will have a post graduate degree in environmental science/engineering degree in environmental science/engineering or any related degree. S/he will have at least 8 years of experience in conducting environmental assessments.  The expert will:
  • Prepare all necessary assessments and framework to meet ADB’s Safeguard policy requirements and Government of India’s statutory requirements and regulations on Environmental assessments. To meet ADB’s safeguard requirements (as per the Safeguard Policy Statement 2009-SPS) an Environmental Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) is required to provide guidance on screening and categorization, assessment, planning, institutional arrangements, and processes to be followed for subprojects and/or components that are prepared under the multitranche financing facility. For Project-1, an initial environmental examination (IEE) will be prepared according to guidelines presented in the SPS.  One comprehensive IEE (which includes the environmental management plan) will be prepared for all interventions proposed in the Vennar System.  The consultant will assess: (a) positive and negative environmental impacts of proposed interventions related to location, design, construction, and operation and maintenance; (b) propose mitigation measures; and develop an environmental management plan; (c) conduct consultations as per ADB and Government requirements; and, (d) together with the social development specialist determine the most appropriate grievance redress mechanism to address social and environmental grievances.
Organization Description
Mukesh & Associates is an ISO 9001:2008 certified multidisciplinary consultancy firm based in Tamil Nadu, India offering consultancy services for Planning, Public Health Engineering (Water supply, Maritime safety, coastal protection, Sewerage, Solid Waste Management, Drainage, etc.) Infrastructure, Irrigation, Environmental Engineering, etc. Please visit for more information about the firm.
JOBS IN CHENNAI MAY 2013 JOBS IN CHENNAI MAY 2013 Reviewed by Unknown on 6:17:00 AM Rating: 5


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