Study On Local Economic Impacts Of SAGE Transfers in Uganda

Call for Proposals
Study on Local Economic Impacts of SAGE transfers

Deadline for Submission: 4 pm, Uganda time, 9th January 2013
The Expanding Social Protection (ESP) is a five year programme managed by a secretariat within the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development. The programme aims to strengthen leadership, policy, coordination, financing and capacity building in social protection, as well as piloting and evaluating a social transfer scheme – Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE). Funding of £41 million is provided by DFID, Irish Aid and UNICEF. In order to deliver this programme DFID has engaged the services of a management consultant, Maxwell Stamp PLC. Maxwell Stamp PLC now wishes to sub contract an organisation to conduct a study to assess beneficiary use of Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment transfers and the impact on the local economy in Uganda
The purpose of this assignment is to allow evidence based conclusions to be drawn on the pathways and extent to which SAGE payments are impacting on individual and household productivity and local economic development in the short, mid and long term.  This will include details on how beneficiaries are utilising their transfers, how transfers are supporting individual and household level productivity as well as evidence on how SAGE transfers are supporting local economic development now and the likely impact over the medium and longer term.  Any interested organisation wishing to submit a proposal is invited to contact the following e-mail address for a copy of the Terms of Reference: with the e-mail subject line containing the words: Local Economic Impacts of SAGE
The completed proposals should be delivered to the following physical address before 4pm, Uganda time, on 9th January 2013. An organisation missing this deadline may not be considered by the bid panel.
Attn: Finance and Administration Manager
Expanding Social Protection Programme  
Plot No 9, Lourdel Road,
Nakasero Hill, Kampala, Uganda
Ref: Proposal No. 6141 / Local Economic Impacts of SAGE
Study On Local Economic Impacts Of SAGE Transfers in Uganda Study On Local Economic Impacts Of SAGE Transfers in Uganda Reviewed by Unknown on 10:54:00 AM Rating: 5
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