Audit Semi - Senior and Audit Assistants

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Reviewing the job planning schedule and contacting the client to agree the audit time frame and other logistics for the audit.
  • Preparing the audit plan for partner approval prior to commencement of the audit.
  • Briefing the audit team on the audit plan and allocating the responsibilities to each member on the team
  • Carrying out an audit, following the audit plan under the supervision of the partner or audit manager.
  • Reviewing the permanent audit file and ensuring that all information is up to date.
  • Supervising the audit team and ensuring that the work carried out by the team is in accordance with the plan.
  • Adhering to the audit time frame and reporting any delays to the partner or audit manager, as appropriate.
  • Completing the audit file for manager or partner review.
  • Clearing outstanding audit queries and finalizing the financial statements, management letter and letter of representation.
  • De briefing the audit team and providing feed back on job evaluations on each assignment.
  • Following up signed financial statements, letter of representation and management letter from   the client.
  • Ensuring that progress and final fee notes are raised and assisting in following up payments
  • Reviewing the tax file and reconciling the tax account an dividing tax account the audit file
  • Ensuring that all outstanding tax matters are adequately brought to the attention of the partner
  • Ensuring that tax returns are received from the client and filed on a timely basis
Company Secretarial
  • Reviewing the company secretarial file and registers, and ensuring that all secretarial records are up to date
  • Ensuring all outstanding secretarial issues including timely filing of returns are adequately brought to the attention of the partner
Other Duties
  • Carrying out any other tasks as may be delegated from time to time.
  • CPA III or BCOM/equivalent education with CPA II or its equivalent with more than 3 years continuous experience in a medium sized audit firm
  • Computer literate and can demonstrate good use of MS excel including formatting reports and also very good in MS word, MS outlook together with other MS office packages.
  • Conversant with quick books and other accounting package and can demonstrate good use and understanding of quick books
  • Demonstrate good understanding of all IFRS IAS and ISAs
  • Demonstrate thorough understanding of Tax law, computation of both corporate, personal taxes and other taxes.
  • Demonstrate thorough understand of all statutory deductions and submission.
  • Demonstrate good understanding of Company Law and partnership Act and related returns
Other skills
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Smart and with good spoken and written English
  • Critical thinker and creative
  • Humble and respectful to other and a good team player.
Send the application to by 5th January.

In the application send a detailed cv with 3 referees 1 of which must be a former employer and include your phone contact and current and expected salary.

Women are encouraged to apply
Audit Semi - Senior and Audit Assistants Audit Semi - Senior and Audit Assistants Reviewed by Unknown on 6:50:00 AM Rating: 5
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