Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the overseas relief and development agency arm of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. It was founded 1943 and works in over 100 countries globally. CRS has worked in Southern Sudan since 1989, supporting and implementing initiatives in Emergency Response, Peace-building, Agriculture, Health, Education, and Income Generation. CRS’ work reflects and expresses the principles of Catholic Social Teaching however CRS assists persons on the basis of need, not race, creed, or nationality. 
Catholic Relief Services South Sudan Program wishes to recruit highly competent, proactive and self-driven persons (South Sudanese National only) to fill the position of Management Quality Manager (WASH) to be based in Juba, South Sudan.

Brief Background
Since CRS began implementing WASH activities in Sudan in 1995, WASH has become a core sector. CRS currently implements WASH activities in Eastern Equatoria, Central Equatoria and Jonglei States. Current and past funding has come from donors including USAID/OFDA, UNDP CHF/ERF, Unicef, Basic Services Fund, the Hilton Foundation, AusAID, and Caritas Norway. Funding for WASH programming is typically between USD 1-5 million. Activities typically include: groundwater drilling and development; pump installation; pump technician training; community mechanisms for management, operation and maintenance; hygiene promotion.
WASH activities are managed out of Juba and undertaken in the field by qualified staff grouped into (2) drilling teams and (2) training and mobilization teams. WASH projects are implemented in close coordination with national, state, and local government administrations, relevant coordinating bodies of the humanitarian community, church partners, and other stakeholders

The WASH MQ Manager will provide overall management support to WASH activities in field, including logistics, supply chain, accommodation, liquidations, vehicle repair and maintenance and food supplies to staff. He/she will work closely with the WASH Program Manager to provide operational and logistical support for the smooth running of program activities. This position is based in Juba with frequent travel in field



·         Coordinate and provide logistical support to WASH program team for field activities
·         Develop inventory management system for WASH equipment and materials
·         Coordinate with program team and establish a systematic approach to send and monitor receipt of project materials to field sites
·         Ensure all WASH vehicles, including trucks, rigs and others have necessary parts in stock for emergency and scheduled repair and maintenance
·         Develop a schedule and system for regular maintenance of WASH vehicle fleet
·         Coordinate and follow up with procurement department on PRFs
·         Arrange and monitor quality of food supplies and accommodations for WASH team at field sites
·         Work closely with WASH Program Manager on budget management, preparing monthly project cash advances for field teams and assisting with monthly liquidations
·         Work closely with field team leaders and project officers in tracking staff R&R and annual leaves, timesheets, and overall staff care
·         Work closely with WASH PM and Hygiene Promotion Coordinator to develop project DIP and provide necessary management support for smooth operations of in-field activities
·         Conduct regular visits to field to assess and monitor operational challenges and develop operational plans for necessary logistical support or corrective actions
·         Coordinate air and road transport for project staff between field sites and Juba as needed
·         Ensure that all relevant titles, registrations, PRFs, receipts, reports, and other documents are properly maintained according to the established filing system
·         Dedicate approximately 50% of time in field locations as needed
·         Any other duty assigned as needed

Key Working Relationships:
Internal:  Head of Programs, Deputy Head of Programs, WASH Program Manager and other sectoral Program Managers, WASH drilling and hygiene promotion teams, MQ/operations and finance teams, WASH Regional Technical Advisor
External: UNICEF, OFDA and other potential donors, government ministries, community members and other partners

·         Masters Degree in management, social sciences , development studies or related field
·         Minimum 3+ years of related work experience in operations or logistics in developing countries, particularly South Sudan
·         Previous experience of inventory management and supply chain
·         Excellent communications skills, both oral and written
·         Excellent self-motivation skills
·         Ability to exercise sound judgment and make decisions independently
·         Ability to be flexible and cope with stressful situations
·         Ability to work as a team player in challenging environments
·         Excellence in spoken and written English, working knowledge of Arabic an asset

 Application letters and CVs together with the names of three professional referees, should reach the undersigned not later than Monday, 31st December 2012.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Human Resources Manager
Catholic Relief Services –
South Sudan program, Juba Office
CRS Sudan Program is an equal-opportunity employer.  In making employment decisions it does not discriminate on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation.
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