Field Project Coordinator - Turkana

Kenya faced a severe drought in 2011 whose impacts are still being felt, following successive rain failures. 

The drought described as one of the worst in 60 years affected three quarters of the country especially in the North Eastern, Rift Valley, Eastern and Coast provinces. 

3.75 million people mainly the pastoralists, farmers in marginal agricultural areas as well as the urban poor were affected. 

The drought caused crop failure, depleted pasture, water and led to loss of livestock contributing to a sharp deterioration of household food security.
UNDP together with GOK have developed a project as a medium term measure to support recovery as well as build resilience of communities especially youth and women’s groups affected by the drought and to strengthen institutions responsible for recovery and disaster risk reduction work. 

The intervention will address short term livelihoods economic recovery needs of youth and women while establishing in the process the capacities and building blocks of sustainable local long-term development.
The main objective of the assignment is to assist the implementing agency (NDMA) to coordinate implementation of interventions to support recovery as well as build resilience of communities especially youth and women’s groups. 

Working in close collaboration and reporting to the National Programme Officer (NPO), the consultant will coordinate and ensure high quality of project activities in Turkana.

Application Procedure
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their application which should include the following:
1. Detailed Curriculum Vitae
2. UNDP Personal History Form (P11) (template provided)
3. Proposal for implementing the assignment (template provided)
Please quote “Field Project Coordinator - Turkana” on the subject line. 

Applications should be emailed to to reach us not later than Tuesday, 8 January 2013 at 12.00 Noon, Kenya Time.
Please see the Terms of Reference, the P11 form, the Individual Contract Proposal form and the Terms and Conditions of Individual Contracts by visiting the UNDP Kenya Website: 

Field Project Coordinator - Turkana Field Project Coordinator - Turkana Reviewed by Unknown on 6:21:00 AM Rating: 5
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