Consultancy for conducting a survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) with regard to WASH –LEAPS

Position Location: Puntland Somalia
Duration: 21 days
Application deadline: 8th January 2013
Vacancy contact: Please send applications to with a proposal detailed time schedule and total budget cost

Organizational Background

Adeso, formerly known as Horn Relief, is an expanding and vibrant African-based international organization, working with communities to create environments in which Africans can thrive. 

We work to prevent and overcome situations that adversely affects community well-being by reinvigorating the economy, developing skills for life and work, providing humanitarian aid and influencing policy. 

Our belief that economic, social and environmental security is the bedrock of a healthy community drives the nature and intent of our programming. Adeso has been strengthening rural livelihood and delivering innovative humanitarian aid and development programs for the past 20 years. Currently, we have programs in Somalia, Kenya and South Sudan. 

Our present donor portfolio includes the European Commission, USAID, SIDA, and UNICEF, among others. Adeso is an exciting, dynamic organization experiencing managed rapid growth. We offer sound employment conditions with opportunities for personal growth and development.
Assignment Summary
The project seeks to undertake a baseline Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) survey at household level with regard to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). The survey generally seeks to identify needs, gaps and understand the WASH situation among targeted households in Sanaag and Mudug regions of Somalia. 

Specifically the survey will identify gaps and give recommendations on the status of the household and communal water quality, poor adoption of hygiene practices and the socio-cultural practices that undermine WASH interventions. The findings will form the baseline for the WASH sector response.
Project Summary
The Livelihood and Emergency Assistance Project for Somalia (LEAPS) is designed to support the most vulnerable households affected by droughts and food insecurity. 

The project is building on the gains realized under the Somali Emergency Response Project (SERP) implemented by Adeso within the last two years and which provided humanitarian assistance as part of an emergency response. 

While SERP was primarily an emergency response intervention, LEAPS has adopted a pragmatic approach by incorporating programming strategies linking emergency interventions to recovery and strengthening the rehabilitation of community assets and mainstreaming DRR. 

The intervention is focusing not only on emergency needs but also on the development of opportunities for community asset building to promote recovery among the most vulnerable households.

Further, the intervention aims to develop community institutions by supporting grass root community organizing around the project for purposes of transition and sustainability. 

To reach its objectives, the project is built around three broad supporting sectors namely Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Food security, and Economic restoration including camel restocking.
Project objective
To enhance and improve access to safe drinking water and sanitation services for the targeted communities.
Project target areas
LEAPS is implemented in both the Sanaag and Mudug regions of Somalia. Sanaag region is on the north eastern tip of Somaliland while Mudug region is between Galgaduud of central Somalia and Nugaal of North East (Puntland) regions.

According to UNDP (2005) the populations of Sanaag and Mudug are 270,367 and 131,445 respectively. In Sanaag the project is targeting the four districts of Erigavo, Badhan, Dhahar and Laas Qoray while in Mudug the target districts are Galkacyo, Galgodob and Hobyo.
Objectives of the Assignment
  1. To identify challenges hindering effective management of community water resources within the project target areas;
  2. To identify existing knowledge gaps with regard to appropriate hygiene practices within the project target areas;
  3. To identify the socio-cultural practices that undermine WASH interventions within the project target areas;
  4. To establish benchmark values of indicators against which strategic objectives will be measured.
Scope of Work
Survey Methodology
To meet the specific objectives of the survey, it is clear that neither qualitative nor quantitative research methods alone would be able to adequately capture the complex and multi-dimensional nature of the operational context. 

Qualitative and quantitative methods will therefore be integrated throughout the survey, during the design, data collection and analysis phases. 

Qualitative research methods are also important as they will make use of more open-ended survey tools, allowing for a greater involvement of the informants in interpreting and describing their lives, and a more flexible level of enquiry into community knowledge, attitudes and practices in WASH (ranging from individual case studies to whole communities). 

The data collection tools will therefore have both quantitative methods (a household survey) and qualitative or contextual methods drawn from PRA techniques.
Survey Design

The WASH survey design process will follow a participatory approach where the main project stakeholders will be involved to give their input and views in the initial process. 

The questionnaire will also capture crosscutting issues particularly gender and accountability, to the extent possible.
The survey tools will be pre-tested to ensure that enumerators and the study population alike have the same understanding of the study topics, and revised based on identified shortcomings. This also includes translation of the study tools into Somali language where necessary.
Sampling Plan
The project target areas have been clustered geographically into two regions (Sanaag and Mudug) and into seven districts of which 4 are in Sanaag and 3 in Mudug, which the survey is expected to observe. Samples will be drawn from each of the districts in proportion with the size of the population through use of the Proportional Probability to Size (PPS) sampling technique. 

This technique is proposed for this study as it is most useful when the sampling units vary considerably in size as it assures that those in larger sites have the same probability of getting into the sample as those in smaller sites, and vice versa. 

This method will also facilitate easier planning for fieldwork because of the pre-determined number of respondents to be interviewed in each unit selected, and enumerators can be allocated accordingly.
As highlighted previously, the qualitative study will use participatory assessment tools such as focus group discussions. This will require that questions and tools used in the survey are open-ended to allow the collection of descriptive and detailed information from respondents. 

The qualitative component of the survey will provide a detailed understanding of WASH issues and problems faced by communities in target areas. It will also complement/supplement the quantitative survey particularly addressing issues that were not collected at the household level.
Data Collection and Analysis
Field data collection will be implemented by enumerators selected from districts of origin. This will give the exercise the credibility it requires for wider acceptance of the survey findings by the community. It is proposed that Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) be used to enter and analyze data. 

However, the consultant will decide which statistical software to use for data analysis. A data mask will be developed for entering the completed questionnaires after finalization, following pre-testing. 

Enumerators will be trained on how to collect and analyze data at field level to build capacity at that level. A combined analysis will be done for the collected data to allow program level conclusions to be drawn.
Presentation of survey findings
The consultant will be responsible for writing the survey report working closely with Adeso team. The report will document findings and provide a benchmark for measuring outcomes of the WASH interventions outlined in the LEAPS Proposal WASH sector. 

The findings of the study will be presented during a proposed WASH learning forum in February 2013.

1. Preliminary briefing about the initial findings in the field and presentation on the main findings to the Program Team in Badhan;
2. Final findings report in both soft and hard copy.
In all matters in relation to the evaluation, the consultant will report to the Project Manager LEAPS based in Somalia. 

The consultant will work closely with the Project staff and beneficiaries.
Knowledge and Experience
  • Masters degree in development studies, social studies or related fields, preferably including Environmental health, with demonstrated professional practice in capacity assessment analysis during the last three years;
  • A minimum of seven (3) years relevant experience in social surveys, providing management advisory services, hands-on experience in design, monitoring and evaluation of development projects;
  • Must have profound knowledge in capacity assessment analysis of development projects;
  • Must be experienced in developing and implementing Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP)evaluation methodologies;
  • Good knowledge and experience in survey design and implementation, as well as statistical data analysis is required;
  • Experience in the use of participatory appraisal techniques in data collection;
  • Previous work experience in Somalia is essential;
  • Excellent analytical, research, writing and communication skills
  • Experience working with Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP)in programming;
  • Fluency in English is essential, knowledge of Somali language is an advantage;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate and work well with diverse people.
Intellectual Property Rights

All documentation related to the assignment shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Adeso.
Application Process
Applications should be submitted no later than January 8, 2013. 

Adeso will conduct interviews on an on-going basis. 

The selection committee will review all applications as they arrive. 

All applicants must meet the minimum requirements described above. 

Only short listed candidates will be contacted. 

Adeso is an equal opportunity employer. 

Each application should include the following:
  1. An application letter addressing the selection criteria including how the candidate’s previous experience matches the consultancy objectives as well as their interest for the position. It should also indicate the candidate’s availability and consultancy rates. The application letter should be no longer than two pages;
  2. An updated CV including relevant work experience and qualifications;
  3. A sample of recently written document for a similar assignment;
  4. Contact details of 3 references.
Applications not including all of the above information will not be reviewed. 

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
All applications should be sent to Adeso at;; with the subject line: “KAP Survey consultancy – LEAPS.

Applications should be submitted no later than January 8, 2013.

Consultancy for conducting a survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) with regard to WASH –LEAPS Consultancy for conducting a survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) with regard to WASH –LEAPS Reviewed by Unknown on 6:44:00 AM Rating: 5
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