4-Year PhD Programme in Infection and Immunity

Through a funding initiative by the Wellcome Trust, the University of Cambridge has an ongoing 4-year PhD Programme in Infection and Immunity. The Programme involves collaboration between the School of Clinical Medicine, including the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, the Department of Pathology and the School of Veterinary Medicine.
Six studentships will be available in October 2013: 5 funded by the Wellcome Trust and 1 by the University of Cambridge. The major themes of the Programme are Cell and Molecular Biology (including structural and cell biology), Immunity, and Infection.
The initial year of training involves literature-driven in-depth analyses of topics of research relevant to the overall themes of the Programme, and 3 mini-projects in research laboratories attached to each of the Programme themes. Students then make an informed choice of their 3-year thesis project and complete their PhD in the 4-year period.
A stipend at the current Wellcome Trust rate and research costs are provided. Tuition fees will be paid at the Home/EU rate. Students with, or expecting to attain at least an upper second class honours degree are invited to apply.
Further details of this varied and challenging course are available athttp://www.cimr.cam.ac.uk/study/iai/ , or by contacting the Programme Administrator, Miss Sonia Lyne, by email to SLL62@cam.ac.uk
Please see website for full details on how to apply.
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The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK. Closing date: 04 January 2013
Quote reference: SC00688
4-Year PhD Programme in Infection and Immunity 4-Year PhD Programme in Infection and Immunity Reviewed by Unknown on 2:10:00 PM Rating: 5
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