The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) is a Povident Fund mandated to provide social security to its members as prescribed by law under CAP 222 (Laws of Uganda) through efficient management of members' contributions. The NSSF asset base is currently over Ugx. 2.7 trillion, making NSSF one of the largest players in Uganda's economic sector.
Our Vision: To be the Social Security Provider of Choice.
Our Mission: To secure a better life for our growing membership by:
                         •Providing Quality Products;
                         •Great Customer Service
                         •and Offering Competitive Returns in a Transparent and Efficient Environment.
NSSF now seeks to recruit a person with proven competencies and skills to join our team in the Procurement Department. 

NSSF UGANDA JOBS NSSF UGANDA JOBS Reviewed by Unknown on 9:36:00 PM Rating: 5
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