Provision of Consultancy Services for Job Evaluation

Kenya Medical Training College

Expression of Interest


Provision of Consultancy Services for Job Evaluation

Background Information

The Kenya Medical Training College was established as a State Corporation by an Act of Parliament Cap. 261 with one of the mandates being to provide facilities for College education for national health manpower. 

To achieve this mandate, the College desires to ensure that: its total compensation bill is fiscally sustainable; it is able to attract and retain requisite skills to execute its functions; recognizes productivity and performance; and transparency and fairness. 

Consequently, the College wishes to undertake a comprehensive Job Evaluation through a Consultancy Service to provide a basis for determination and review of remuneration for its employees.

The Job Evaluation will cover all jobs in the College, including thirty one (31) constituent training centres, spread in various parts of the country.

The College has a staff and student population of 2000 and 20000 respectively.

Objective of the Assignment

The objective for the Job Evaluation Exercise is to determine comparable worth of the jobs in the College clearly classifying the jobs and produce a rationalized, harmonized defensible and equitable job-grading structure. 

The result of the job evaluation exercise will be used to facilitate preparation for proposals for the determination and review of remuneration and benefits structure and identify jobs with occupational risks for compensation thus, ensuring equal pay for work of equal value for the College.

This will determine the relative worth of jobs within the College not only for the purposes of internal equity but also for external competitiveness with regard to remuneration levels as stipulated by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission vide circular dated 4th July 2012.

Scope of work

The tasks in this assignment will be undertaken in close working collaboration with a team from the College. 

The scope of services will cover but not limited to the following:

(i) Develop a comprehensive work-plan for the various phases of the Job Evaluation exercise;

(ii) Analyze the current salary and benefits structure;

(iii) Review and carry out a detailed Job analysis of the identified jobs;

(iv) Apply a suitable Job Evaluation system and evaluate all jobs within the College and determine the criteria to be used in the evaluation of the respective jobs;

(v) Review the current grading systems to determine its relevance to the Vision, Mission and strategic objectives;

(vi) Advise / determine appropriate remuneration levels / pay (Salaries and allowances) for the various categories of Jobs based on the following factors;

  • Affordability and sustainability of such compensation or award for period of four (4) years;
  • Level of performance or productivity of the officer in relation to performance and achievement of the national objectives by the organization;
  • Benchmark with similar organizations or those the organization loses staff to; and
  • Equity and competitiveness.

(vii) Devise a system for annual increment based on productivity & performance on the set targets.

Requirements of eligible Consultants / Firms

The College invites bids from Consultants / Firms interested in providing the above consultancy services and should provide the following:

  • Detailed Company profile
  • Certificates of Registration / Incorporation
  • Tax Compliance Certificate
  • Audited accounts for the last two years
  • Names and CVs of key staff, other staff and their qualifications
  • Reference from three (3) firms
  • Physical address and telephone contact
  • Demonstrate having successfully carried our similar job evaluations
  • Evidence of atleast five years experience

Completed Expression of Interest (EOI) documents should be submitted in plain sealed envelopes clearly marked “Expression of Interest for Provision of Consultancy Services on Job Evaluations” and must be addressed to:

The Director
Kenya Medical Training College
P.O Box 30195 – 00100

and be deposited in the Tender Box situated at the Entrance of the K.M.T.C Administration Block on or
before 3rd January 2013 at 10:00 am. 

Opening of E.O.I documents shall be held immediately thereafter
in the Milne Hall. 

Tenderers or their representatives who wish to attend the opening are invited.

The College reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the EOI and it’s not bound to give reasons

Head – Supply Chain Management
For: Director
Provision of Consultancy Services for Job Evaluation Provision of Consultancy Services for Job Evaluation Reviewed by Unknown on 1:26:00 AM Rating: 5
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