Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is an international non-profit, public health organisation with headquarters in USA, whose purpose is to strengthen health programs worldwide. MSH Uganda is currently running a number of USAID and other donor funded projects including SURE, both in Kampala and other parts of the country.

SURE (Securing Ugandans’ Right to Essential Medicines) will ensure that the population of Uganda has access to adequate quantities of good quality essential medicines and health supplies (EMHS) by strengthening the national essential medicines and health commodities supply system.

STAR E LQAS is charged with supporting the USAID-funded SO8 district-based Implementing Partners (IPs) to implement LQAS in their respective districts.

MSH now invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the following position:

1. Senior Data Specialist, STAR-E LQAS (Kampala)

Reports to: Director, STAR-E LQAS

Overall Responsibility

The Senior Data Specialist will support the management of the national LQAS database and the development of data analysis procedures. The Senior Data Specialist will support the central LQAS database for capturing, managing and analyzing data resulting from community LQAS survey and health facility assessment. S/he will also provide support and training for data base design and maintenance, data transfer from district level, editing and data quality procedures, analysis and use at the central level.

The Job holder is expected to maintain communications, coordination and data linkages with other USAID implementing partners (projects) supporting LQAS and HFA processes at the district level. In addition the jobholder will:

• Oversee, LQAS and HFA data entry, cleaning and transfer to the central level database.

• Develop quantitative analysis plans in liaison with STAR-E LQAS Director and ensure timely implementation of the analysis plans.

• Coordinate results from quantitative analysis to decide in consultation with STAR-E LQAS whether the set of indicators being monitored may need to be revised.

• Oversee the routine and ad hoc data analysis and report generation stemming from the LQAS database.

• Facilitating the use of LQAS and HFA data for central and district level monitoring, planning and policy assessment.


1) A degree in Statistics, Mathematics or Computer Science

2) An MSc in Statistics, Epidemiology or Biostatistics

3) Five years experience in data management and analysis with at least two years in program monitoring and Evaluation.

4) Exposure to LQAS community survey data.

5) Skills in Database design and management using SQL or Ms Access database software

6) Skills in collecting and sorting large volumes of data.

7) Skills in data analysis using STATA or R.

2. Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, SURE Program (Kampala)

Reports to: Chief of Party (CoP)

Overall Responsibilities

The Senior M&E Advisor works with the CoP and the SURE team to ensure the development and implementation of appropriate program implementation and performance management plans (PMP) as well as program indicators necessary to track program targets and objectives.

S/he also supports the Ministry of Health (MoH) and other stakeholders to establish national supply chain indicators. The Senior M&E Advisor oversees the analysis, interpretation and tracking of all program data as well as the compilation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports. S/he advises the program team on all aspects of program monitoring and performance tracking. In addition the jobholder will:

• Assist in the design and implementation of impact assessments in regards to pharmaceuticals and supply chain management.

• Work with the CoP to ensure that Uganda SURE activities and PMPs are adequately responsive to the requirements of USG agencies and initiatives as well as those of the Government of Uganda (GOU).

• Update the MEEPP database

• Lead the annual planning process including the development of annual plans and writing of narratives

• Provide and organize M&E training to Medicines Management Supervisors and project staff.

• Evaluate results achieved by the Project against established targets and track progress

• Capture lessons learned and best practices and assist in developing presentations, abstracts, articles, etc.


1) Master’s degree in public health, demography, statistics or related field,

2) 5 years experience in monitoring and evaluation

3) Experience in evaluation design, development of indicators and data analysis

4) Experience in developing PMPs

5) Familiarity with supply chain concepts and pharmaceutical/logistic indicators

6) Capacity building/ training experience a plus.

7) Experience with USAID M&E procedures and practices

8) Ability to work in a fastpaced teamwork environment to meet required deadlines and to keep team members on schedule/tasks to the approved work plan

9) Strong leadership, interpersonal and communication skills

10) Demonstrated excellent English language skills (both written and oral) with the ability to make presentations and effectively write/edit reports

11) Demonstrated computer skills in Microsoft office suite applications and statistical packages such as Microsoft project, SPSS, Epi Info, etc.

12) Ability and willingness to travel within Uganda at least 20% of the time.

13) Experience working in Uganda

3. Technical Advisor, District Medicines

Management, SURE Program (Kampala)

Reports to:

Principal Technical Advisor (District Medicines Management)

Overall Responsibility:

The Technical Advisor, District Medicines Management will work with relevant SURE staff, District staff, MOH staff and contractors to ensure effective implementation of Supervision Performance Assessment and Recognition Strategy (SPARS) in the new SURE districts, timely roll out of Pharmaceutical Financial Management (PFM) in all program supported districts and smooth transportation and delivery of shelving units to supported health facilities.

S/he will coordinate supervision activities in the new districts to ensure that districts, subdistricts and facilities are able to adopt positive practices towards supply chain including the procurement, storage and distribution of essential medicines and supplies necessary for the basic health package thus assuring continuous availability of related commodities. In addition the Advisor will:

• In collaboration with the Capacity Building Advisor develop and implement program for training Medicines Management Supervisors (MMS) in EMHS management, PFM, motorcycle riding and M and E

• In conjunction with the district computerization team develop and implement plan to train MMS’ in computer use and put in place a system for automated collection, analysis and reporting of SPARS data (SCM and PFM)

• Work with regional Technical Advisors and HQ staff to ensure successful implementation of the GPP and GFP accreditation in the 14 new districts

• Communicate and coordinate with all activities and relevant parties (shelves supplier, in-country shelves transporter, SURE staff, USAID and government [national, district, sub district and health facility], etc.) for final delivery of shelves to health facilities while ensuring that USAID rules and regulations on branding and inventory are adhered to.

• Plan and coordinate a “shelving launch day” in at least one district in each of the five SURE regions.


1) Professional degree in a health area; including pharmacy, medicine, public health; pharmacist preferred.

2) 3 Years work experience in providing pharmaceutical management services especially in the area of supply chain

3) Comprehensive understanding of the Uganda public health system.

4) Demonstrated ability to collaborate with other stakeholders in developing creative and solutions to achieve common goals.

5) Proven technical and interpersonal skills to collaborate effectively in writing and in person with professional colleagues in a broad range of governmental organizations and within the SURE project.

6) Demonstrated computer skills in Microsoft office suite applications.

7) Fluency in oral and written English required.

4. Logistics Officer M&E –Private-for-Profit and Company Health Facilities, SURE Program (Kampala)

Reports to: Technical Advisor – SURE

Overall Responsibility:

The Logistics Officer-M&E will provide technical support to Private-for-Profit (PFP) and company health facilities in the supply chain management of HIV/AIDS commodities and ensure smooth transition following winding up of the HIPS project.

S/he will ensure that PFP and Company facilities order for their supplies in a timely manner using the right supply chain tools.

S/he will also support the roll out of the Web-based ARV Ordering and reporting system (WAOS) among these clinics and ensure effective utilization and management of HIV/AIDS commodities. In addition the jobholder will:

• Train PFP facility staff in the use of the Web-based ARV Ordering System (WAOS) and supply management skills.

• Support the integration of the mobile phone technology introduced by HIPS into WAOS so that facilities continue reporting.

• Coordinate reporting and ordering of ARVs into the webbased system in a timely manner and the follow up nonreporting PFP and Company facilities.

• Coordinate with Joint Medical Stores to ensure timely capture of data into the web-based ARV ordering system and generation of allocation lists from the system

• Strengthen data utilization from the WAOS to facilitate evidence based decision making.

• Prepare periodical performance reports as required by SURE program


1) Professional degree in supply chain management, monitoring and evaluation, social sciences or related field

2) 3 years work experience in supporting Privatefor- Profit health and company facilities in supply chain management

3) Work experience with medicines Logistics management information systems is an added advantage

4) Understanding of the Uganda private and public health systems

5) Experience with USAID supported programs is an added advantage.

6) Demonstrated ability to collaborate with other stakeholders in developing creative and strategic solutions to achieve common goals.

7) Willingness to be flexible and adapt to changing priorities and shifting deadlines.

8) Demonstrated strong organizational, administrative, communications and reporting skills.

9) Strong teamwork and team-building skills

10) Proficiency in English required, including ability to write lucid technical reports and documents.

11) Demonstrated computer skills, including knowledge Microsoft office suite.

5. Accountant , SURE Program (Kampala and Mbale) – 2 Positions

Reports: Technical Advisor

Overall Responsibilities

The Accountant is responsible for providing accounting and administrative support to the SURE Program, ensuring that all financial activities of the Project are conducted in accordance with MSH financial and administrative policies and procedures.

The Accountant safeguards the assets of MSH against fraud, loss or damage. S/he ensures that all accounting, financial and administrative records are made in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, USAID and MSH policies and regulations. In addition the job holder will:

• Prepare Payments and Journal Vouchers ensuring that the documents are legal and authentic and that all relevant and adequate support documentation is attached.

• Process staffs travel allowances/per diems/ allowances and staff program working advances ensuring that prior authorization and approval and that advances are cleared in a timely manner.

• Assist the Technical Advisor in preparing budgets, cash flow forecasts, monthly financial reports for the Regional Office

• Ensure timely and accurate financial accountability/ reporting from the district teams

• Establish and oversee all information and filing systems

• Support preparation and coordination of workshops/ trainings

• Manage the fleet of motorcycles for the districts in the region including monitoring usage/fuel management

• Coordinate request and maintain stock of office supplies for regional office and stationery for the district office

• In collaboration Kampala Headquarter Finance and Administration department, coordinate the procurement of goods and services for the regional office, an maintain and update all office inventory and asset records


1) Degree in Accounting/ Finance from a recognized University

2) 3 years of financial and administrative experience

3) Knowledge of USAID regulations preferred.

4) Excellent interpersonal skills; Ability to work independently and to multi-task.

5) Demonstrated computer skills in Microsoft Office Suite and experience in one accounting package.

6) A firm understanding of Accounting and financial management principles, ability to create and monitor budgets, and pay attention to details

6. Technical Officer, SURE Program ( Kampala and Mbale) -2 positions

Reports to: Technical Advisor

Overall Responsibility:

The Technical Officer provides support to a number of districts under SURE for planning, implementing, and monitoring pharmaceutical management interventions in the assigned districts. S/he works closely with district health management teams to ensure that all SURE technical assistance, capacity building and pharmaceutical information system activities are adequately implemented; and that results are adequately documented.

The Technical Officer will work closely with District and HSD Medicine Management supervisors to ensure that all public and NGO health facilities in the new SURE districts are supervised regularly. S/he will further ensure that performance assessment is done during a supervision visits and facility improvement plans are developed and implemented. In addition s/he will:

• Under the guidance of the Technical Advisor develop and implement plan for roll out of SPARS for EMHS management and Pharmaceutical financial management in the new SURE districts in the region

• In consultation with the Capacity Building Advisor ensure proper coordination and implementation of training program for MMS in SCM, PFM, Motorcycle riding, M and E and computer use.

• Coordinate with M and E staff at central office to implement data collection systems for health facilities and also ensure that all health commodities reporting activities are adequately carried out in the health facilities within districts.

• In collaboration with Technical Advisor ensure the successful implementation of pharmaceutical financial management in HC IV and Hospitals in the new districts

• Work with the Technical Advisor to implement the GPP inspection in facilities that meet performance targets and implement the accreditation ceremonies and other recognition scheme at facility level

• Work with the Kampala based management team and Kampala technical staff to assure that pharmaceutical and logistics reports related to essential medicines and to the different vertical programs are timely collected, compiled, analyzed and disseminated to key stakeholders.


1) Should be a Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician, or hold a degree in a health area

2) At least 3 years work experience in health commodities supply chain.

3) Experience in supervision and performance monitoring of health facilities in health commodities logistics management

4) Knowledge and understanding of the Uganda public health system.

5) Demonstrated ability to collaborate with other stakeholders in developing creative and strategic solutions to achieve common goals.

6) Willingness to be flexible and adapt to changing priorities and shifting deadlines.

7) Demonstrated organizational, administrative and communications skills.

8) Strong teamwork and team-building skills

9) Strong organizational and interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team-oriented environment.

10) Demonstrated computer skills, including knowledge of Microsoft office suite

11) Ability and willingness to travel extensively in the assigned region.

All applications should be addressed to:

The Human Resources Partner – MSH, Plot 15 Princess

Ann Drive Bugolobi, P. O. Box 71419, Kampala Email: Deadline for submission: February 8, 2013.

We thank all applicants for their interest, but can only acknowledge shortlisted candidates. Please note that any form of canvassing by candidates will lead to immediate disqualification

Note: detailed job descriptions can be accessed at
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