Proposal for Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Information Management System

The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) is a US$200m private sector fund, backed by some of the biggest names in development finance and hosted by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). 
The AECF provides grants and interest free loans to businesses to implement innovative, commercially viable, high impact projects in Africa.
To meet its current operational needs and future strategic objectives, AECF is seeking an Information Management System vendor to supply, install, implement and maintain an Information Management System. The system should be integrated to cover four main areas – Competition, Grants Management, Monitoring & Evaluation and Risk & Compliance.
This is an exciting opportunity for a systems vendor who wants to partner with AECF to transform fund management processes covering the whole of Africa. For this reason, the most eligible bidder will be the one that gets the highest technical score, the best strategic fit, the lowest solution risk and most favourable cost.
Firms and registered entities responding to this Request for Proposal (RFP) should be able to demonstrate through references, approach and profiles that they have the required solution, experience, capability and capacity technically, financially and operationally to execute the project.
A complete set of the RFP may be purchased by interested bidders on request to the email address and upon payment of a non refundable fee of USD 100. 
The payment details will be provided upon receipt of the request. 
A soft copy of the RFP will be emailed to the interested bidder upon presentation of proof of payment or receipt of payment.
Please note that by receipt of the RFP, the vendor will be bound to the confidentiality clause contained therein.
Closing date for receiving the bids is 1 March 2013 at 1700hrs East African time.
Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Proposal for Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Information Management System Proposal for Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Information Management System Reviewed by Unknown on 1:36:00 AM Rating: 5
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