Countries: Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan (Republic of), Sudan (the), Uganda
Intergovernmental Authority on Development, a Regional Economic Community of the African Union, has received some assistance from the several development partners towards the development and implementation of the Drought Disaster Resilience and initiative. As part of the agenda for establishing the coordinating mechanism for the initiative - the Drought Resilience and Sustainability Platform, IGAD will apply part of the funds towards strengthening its specialized institutions including ICPAC, CEWARN, ICPALD, ISSP and IRAPP to ensure that the requisite skills and support structures are in place that IGAD will play its expected role in providing leadership to the initiative. On its part ICPALD, the IGAD Centre for Pastoral Areas and Livestock Development (ICPALD) which is a Specialized Institution of IGAD that promotes livestock and dryland development including development of supportive legal and policy frameworks, eco-and bio-enterprises in arid and semi-arid lands intends to apply part of the proceeds to support the development of full proposals in areas within its mandate. The purpose of this advert is to invite individual consultants from the IGAD member states who have the necessary experience, skills and competences to submit concept notes in any of the areas shown below that are expected to contribute substantially to the Drought resilience agenda in the region." It is important to note that IGAD is a equal opportunity employer and women and young candidates are especially encouraged to submit their concepts. Canvassing will lead to a disqualification without further reference to the applicant.
Areas of interest to ICPALD:
  1. Management of cross border shared surface and underground water sources in the IGAD ASALs
  2. Dry land Agriculture and water harvesting innovations and technologies in the IGAD ASALs
  3. Facilitation and promotion of artisanal minerals mining in the IGAD ASALs
  4. Promotion of value addition in areas of production along the various livestock value chains
  5. Value addition of non-wood forest products including gums, resins, spices and honey in the IGAD ASALs, including the establishment of NWFP business incubation centers
  6. Livestock production, health and marketing in the IGAD ASALs
  7. Marketing of dry land products in the IGAD ASALs including the establishment of business incubation centers
  8. ICT systems / services for ASALs including innovations and technologies for mobilizing savings in the IGAD ASALs.
  9. Innovations and technologies in renewable energy that can be used in harvesting water for livestock and dryland agriculture in the ASALs
  10. Any other areas that the applicant feels are relevant and will contribute to enhancing drought resilience in target communities in the ASALs
The Expression of Interest should include:
• A covering letter indicating which of the 7 areas the consultant is able to develop a business/development proposal for ICPALD; details of expertise and past relevant experience in the selected area(s).
• A wider capability statement of the consultancy firm and individual consultant(s). This should clearly articulate the range of related proposals developed and the extent to which the proposals were successful.
• A 3-5 pages (including any references and annexes) concept note in selected areas
• A two page summary curriculum vitae of all proposed individuals/associates – preference will be given to candidates with at least 5 years of relevant experience in the specified area.
• A letter confirming their availability the individual consultants/associates for the duration of the assignment
• Should the individuals / associates be in regular employment they should attach a letter of release from their employers for the period of assignment. This is a critical condition.
• Expected (firm or individual) daily rate in US dollars and duration of this hone based assignment.
How to apply:
Expression of interest under a subject line reading ‘’ICPALD EXPRESSION OF INSTERST, PROPOSAL WRITING’’ should be send in PDF format (or equivalent) by email to with copies to "Samuel Zziwa", "Adan Bika", "Ameha Sebsibe", "john kabayo", and "Emmanuella Olesambu", not later than 30th January 2013
  1. Only those applicants whose concept notes are shortlisted will be invited to develop full proposal within two weeks of the closing date – 31.1.2013
  2. The concept notes will not be paid for – only those that submit winning concept notes will be contracted to develop full proposals
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