Facilitation of Gender Audit in Somalia

DRC began humanitarian intervention in Somalia in 1997 when it commenced operations in Somaliland. Initially, DRC focused on the provision of humanitarian assistance in Somaliland. In 2002, DRC changed the focus to development approaches targeting integrated community development to provide sustainable livelihoods for the returnee populations and host communities in both urban and rural areas of return. In Puntland, DRC commenced operations in 2005 with a focus on providing sustainable livelihoods for the returnee populations and hosting communities in both urban and rural areas of return.
In 2003 DRC established its presence in South Central Somalia with the opening of a base in Beletweyne town, Hiraan Region, with a pilot project of 18 months. In 2007, DRC established operations in Mogadishu largely focused on emergency response. Since inception, DRC’s main focus in SC remains on humanitarian assistance. The causes and patterns of displacement in the region, constraints to durable solutions and resulting opportunities initiated the revision of DRCs strategic Assistance Framework to differential degrees: the scenarios of acute crisis, displacement and to limited degree durable solutions including also an aspect a pre-conflict scenario. Within these four scenarios, DRC is operating with the three global strategic objectives presented in the Assistance Framework, defining the fundamental and specific aims of assistance as:
• Saving of lives and the alleviation of immediate suffering among people affected by humanitarian conflict;
• Safeguarding, restoration and development of livelihoods;
• Institutional and organisational change that ensures the promotion of values, policies and capacities, which contribute to the protection of peoples’ rights and the peaceful handling of conflicts.
To achieve the three strategic objectives, DRC operates with five programme pillars:
• Integrated Emergency Response (IER) – ensures safe access to integrated emergency response in accordance with relevant standards for people and regions in acute crisis due to conflict or natural resources. The IER includes the components of NFI and shelter, WASH, food security and protection.
• Integrated Protection and Empowerment (IPE) - create a safe and conducive environment for people in protracted displacement situations to engage in livelihood activities and access basic services. The elements in the IPE are community-based protection, information dissemination campaigns, host community involvement, empowerment of the displaced, livelihoods and basic services like constructions.
• Community Driven Recovery and Development (CDRD) - strengthen local level governance and community-based organisations to meet community development needs. It provides local capacity building, community block grants and social service access grants, quality assurance and monitoring and evaluation.
• Turning the Tide (TtT) - strengthens conflict management and critical livelihood capacities for vulnerable urban youth to discourage migration and attraction to extremist activities. The components of the pillar are strengthening the participation of advocating the civil society and community to deter migration, livelihood support by enabling access to income opportunities, and conflict mitigation and resolution.
• Gain Resilience, Opportunities and Work (GROW) – increase rural livelihood opportunities to reduce incitement for urban migration, and to improve resilience to the effects of adverse climatic conditions. This is achieved though livestock support, crop production, water for pastoral/agro-production, training of farmers, value addition and policy dialogue and institutional support to Ministry of Agriculture.
Furthermore, DRC Somalia program is complaint for the Humanitarian Accountability Principles (HAP) that helps DRC to establish a commitment to accountability and the processes that will deliver quality programs for the people who experience conflict, poverty or other crises. The HAP Standards are integrated into program frameworks and standards, including the everyday work of the DRC Somalia staff.
The purpose of this assignment is to provide support to DRC Somalia program to become more effective in the way it institutionalises gender practices and have an effect on the support that DRC offers to its beneficiaries but also to other stakeholders. Overall, it aims to change DRC’s behaviour regarding gender equity amongst DRC staff and stakeholders creating positive impact to beneficiaries and communities overall that host DRC programs. It is expected that the assignment will provide DRC Somalia program with gender mainstreaming guidelines that are specific to DRC’s portfolio and with action plan for way forward.
• Through participatory methods establish a baseline on DRC’s gender equity by identifying the gaps between DRC’s own gender equality policies and practices, and they way DRC’s programs impact gender equality;
• Provide an effective coordination framework for tracking the progress for gender equality in DRC Somalia portfolio.
The facilitator is expected to propose the best approach of implementing the gender audit. However, the consultant is expected to apply participatory approaches and to undertake field travels to include staff and possibly other stakeholders in the audit.
The gender audit exercise is expected to provide an effective coordination framework for tracking the progress of gender equality in DRC Somalia portfolio. In the preparation phase the consultant is expected to deliver following:
• Debriefing with key staff based in Nairobi and in Somalia via Skype to shape up the approach to the gender audit.
• Finalized technical proposal underlining the detailed methodology to be applied, approaches, data collection, sampling methods, work plans, time frame, etc.
In the completion phase the consultant is expected to deliver following deliverables:
• Final report, that includes following:
• Background information and situation analysis on gender of DRC Somalia current gender approach;
• Gender specific strategic objectives for DRC Somalia program;
• Detailed implementation plan matrix identifying who, when, what and how;
• Gender specific M&E implementation matrix identifying the targets, performance indicators, approximate costing of for the M&E plan and tools, criteria and approaches to be used.
• 2 workshops/meetings with key staff to disseminate gender audit findings and in detail explain the action plan for way forward.
The Consultant will be responsible to the Information Documentation & HAP Coordinator, with technical oversight by the Information Documentation & HAP Coordinator. DRC will provide the following:
• Transport to and from the field.
• All necessary desktop review documents as requested by the Consultant
• Travel Insurance for the consultant
• Accommodation and Meals for consultant in the field
• Pay consultancy fees at a mutually agreed rate
The terms and conditions of service will follow DRC terms of consultancies. Payment will be done according to the finance procedures of DRC.
DRC envisages that the consultancy will take 30 days, from the time the contract is signed. The proposed, but not fixed time table for the assignment:
Document preparation + briefing with DRC Somalia staff via Skype = 2 days
Briefing mission, review of documents, and preparation of field work (Hargeisa) = 3 days
Field work in Somalia = 10 days
Data analysis and preparation of the draft report (Hargeisa) = 5 days
Debriefing of the findings and action plans on the basis of the draft report (Hargeisa) = 1 day
Debriefing of the findings and action plans on the basis of the draft report (Nairobi) = 1 day
Finalization of the report on the basis of the comments/feedback from DRC Somalia program = 2 days
Possible travel days = 6 days
Total days: 30
The facilitator will have to demonstrate capacity to provide the required service and meet the DRC objectives. This includes:
• At least Masters Degree in Social Sciences with specialization in Gender;
• At least five years’ experience in Gender programming especially in humanitarian framework;
• Excellent English writing and communication skills;
• Should demonstrate facilitation of at least one similar assignment in the last two years;
• Good team workers.
DRC will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. DRC reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder. Only those shortlisted will be contacted.
For general information about the Danish Refugee Council, please consult www.drc.dk.
DRC has a Humanitarian Accountability Framework, outlining its global accountability commitments. All staff are required to contribute to the achievement of this framework.
Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications and experience are invited to submit their Expression of interest (Eol) to drcjobs@drchoa.org. The EoI should include:
• Detailed CV (s) demonstrating previous relevant experience
• Detailed budget for the facilitation of the services
• Technical proposal to undertake the assignment (not longer than 5 A4 pages)
Please forward the expression of interest, in English and marked ‘Gender Audit for DRC Somalia’ no later than 8 December, 2012. Applications that don’t meet the submission requirements above will not be considered.
How to apply:
Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications and experience are invited to submit their Expression of interest (Eol) to drcjobs@drchoa.org. The EoI should include:
• Detailed CV (s) demonstrating previous relevant experience
• Detailed budget for the facilitation of the services
• Technical proposal to undertake the assignment (not longer than 5 A4 pages)
Please forward the expression of interest, in English and marked ‘Gender Audit for DRC Somalia’ no later than 8 December, 2012. Applications that don’t meet the submission requirements above will not be considered.
Facilitation of Gender Audit in Somalia Facilitation of Gender Audit in Somalia Reviewed by Unknown on 11:37:00 PM Rating: 5
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