Rwanda Education Board Jobs Dec 2012

Rwanda Education Board (REB) invites individual applications from qualified individuals, local and regional, for School-Based Mentor positions (385 positions). These positions are located in schools around the country. Each School-Based Mentor will support two neighbouring schools.
Essential functions for School-Based Mentors include [but are not limited to] :
  • Assess teachers’ English language proficiency and identifying specific support needed ;
  • Support teachers in their use of English language self-study materials ;
  • Assess the pedagogical skills and needs of teachers ;
  • Model teaching, classroom management, use and creation of learning materials, individual learning styles and needs, lesson planning, effective informal and formal
  • assessment.
  • Develop a work plan and provide monitoring reports to the Director of Studies, Head Teacher and Senior Mentor.
Qualifications and requirements :
  • Bachelors Degree or Diploma in English language with Education
  • At least 2 years’ teaching experience
  • Proficiency in English
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent organisational and analytical skills
  • Knowledge of communicative language teaching methods
  • Excellent teamwork skills
  • Willingness to work in rural areas
  • Readiness to work on a full time two-year contract
  • Experience in teacher mentoring is an added advantage
Remuneration package/ salary
A regional teacher mentor with a Degree shall have a gross pay that includes basic salary, transport, housing, family health insurance (RAMA), National Social Security Fund (NSSF) equivalent to 499$ (Four hundred ninety-nine US Dollars). A Diploma holder will earn 387$ (Three hundred eighty-seven US Dollars). The net pay for regional Degree holder will be 348$ (Three hundred forty-eight US Dollars), while for regional diploma holders it is 276$ (Two hundred seventy-six US dollars). All SBMs will receive 40,000 Rwandan Francs per month to travel to the school which is not his/her duty station, and attend to all other School-Based Mentoring events.
Application procedure
Interested candidates who strictly meet the above criteria should submit their applications complete with CVs, Academic Certificates and Transcripts to Rwanda Education Board office, not later than 20th December, 2012 at 17.00 p.m. Applications should be addressed to :
The Director General
Rwanda Education Board
P.O BOX 3817
Kigali- Rwanda
Attn : Head/Teacher Development and Management Department (TDM)
Or emailed to : or or Call (+250)788502907 or (+250)788742462 or (250)788441922
Rwanda Education Board Jobs Dec 2012 Rwanda Education Board Jobs Dec 2012 Reviewed by Unknown on 12:01:00 AM Rating: 5
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