Head of Mission (Doctors Without Border) , South Sudan

Reporting to : Coordinator of Operations (Brussels)
Technical Reference : Coordinator of Operations (Brussels)
Start-date : 1 of May 2013
Duration of Mission : 12 months
Language : English
Previous MSF experience : Previous experience as FC in conflict settings
General purpose of the post
The Head of Mission has political, managerial and associative duties. By definition, (s)he is the ultimate responsible of all the aspects and components of the mission. The Deputy Head of Mission will support the HoM by taking some direct responsibility and assuring the daily management of operations.
Tasks and responsibilities
Head of Mission
* Operations: final responsible, overall follow-up + strategies (supported by DHoM)
* Context analysis
* Security (policy, Field Security Plan, final decision)
* Context briefing (for Coordinators + FC)
* HR (general policies)
* Advocacy (Heads of Agencies, Embassies, Ministries, donors)
* Networking (Heads of Agencies, Embassies, GoSS, donors)
* Communication (depending on topic and/or media)
* Main referent for Coordination, Emergency Coordinator, Cell and HQ
  1. Operations
    • Final responsible for the decisions on operations. Either the Deputy will be fully delegated for specific issues, or the HoM will take his decision based on the analysis and suggestions provided by the Deputy. Regular dialogue between them will be key to maintain clarity on role and responsibilities
    • Supported by the Deputy, identifies and proposes possible fields of intervention (analysis and explos in coordination with Deputy)
    • Supported by the Deputy, proposes and evaluates national intervention strategies (Country Policy Paper)
    • Defines strategies of intervention in collaboration with the Medical Coordinator, the Program Responsible and Deputy
    • Draws up of program proposals with the HoM. Active role in the ARO process as well as Copro
    • Coordinates the OCB operations with other actors involved, especially the other MSF sections in the country.
  2. Security management
    • Final decision-maker for security
    • Responsible for Field Security Plans of the Missions; (s)he is in charge of updating the one for Juba and approving the others
    • First referent for the HQ in Brussels and external actors
    • Report all serious security incident to the CO
    • May be included in the Crisis Management Team
  3. Context analysis and briefings
    • Close monitoring and analysis of the context (social, political, humanitarian etc...) so as to determine possible implications for the Mission
    • Is in charge of briefing all Coordinators (Juba and FC); debriefing and evaluation will be done for the same people and the ones asking specifically for that
  4. Networking, advocacy and communication
    • Is in charge of developing and maintaining the external network, keeping the contacts through meeting and regular communication. A support from the Deputy may be required due to high number of contacts
    • Represents MSF OCB in official events, as also per request of the HQ
    • Is in charge of signing all documents requiring legal value (MoU, contracts,...) - his signature is the only one in the Mission having legal status
    • Defines the advocacy strategy for the Mission, getting involved in collecting relevant data and info
    • Is at the front line of the advocacy strategy, by meeting bilaterally or in other platforms the external actors
    • Defines the communication strategy in the Mission. Is the only one allowed to speak with the media (on and off-the-record) and validates who else can talk with the media within the Mission; talking points and messages to pass, need final green-light by the HoM
    • Is the main referent for the Coordination, Cell, and Emergency Coordinator (as long as there will be one in the country). The Coordinators in Juba will refer to the HoM for strategic discussions as well as to solve daily problems.
Qualifications and skills required
Open for first mission: can be opened for first missioners HoM but then a solid previous experience as FC / coordination position is required.
• At least 2 experiences as FC or previous HoM.
• Previous experience in unstable and violent settings is mandatory
• Emergencies are regularly occurring in South Sudan. Previous experience would be
• Language: English is essential. Despite the presence of a UN integrated mission and a growing number of international NGOs, no other language is needed.
Suitable qualities:
• Broad approach on operations is needed as (s)he will follow all projects at same time.
• Ability to organize and prioritize workload is needed
• Capacity of reasoning, analysis and orientation to solution
• Good and effective in communication.
• Leadership and charisma.
• Adaptability to a big and multi-cultural team
• Ability to work in setting with high sensitivity inter-ethnic relations and tensions
• Willingness to be present in unstable insecure environments
• Willingness to live in basic conditions
How to apply:
CV + motivation letter to be sent in English to Panos Katrakis, HR Department , rue Dupré 94, B - 1090 Brussels.
E-mail to panos.katrakis@brussels.msf.org
Head of Mission (Doctors Without Border) , South Sudan Head of Mission (Doctors Without Border) , South Sudan Reviewed by Unknown on 12:23:00 AM Rating: 5
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